Analysis: Do not keep your breath for legalization under Trump 2.0
The fog of the inauguration has clarified, and the prospects for the reform of the weed law are weak in Washington DC as part of the second Trump government. But don't let your
Analysis: Legalization lowers marijuana prices
Legalizing cannabis nationwide is a matter of justice, but it's also a matter of pocketbooks. A new analysis published in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics found t
Analysis of the new study on cannabis abuse vs. depression
Millions of people around the world are using cannabis to treat mood issues as legalization continues to spread. People smoke weed to relieve anxiety and depression, and many have
Predictive Asset Analysis | high times
As American hemp growers struggle to pinpoint plants and keep their crops from getting hot—by exceeding the definition of potency that turns plants into hemp, or 0.3% THC on a dr
How to conduct competitive research and analysis in the cannabis industry
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A pseudoscientific analysis of why Rec Weed sucks
I’m not here to talk about any particular brand or strain, but in my capacity as a journalist I’ve been tasked with telling the truth and I’ll tell you the truth:
Analysis: Adult cannabis leads to economic improvements and more jobs
Opponents of legalizing recreational cannabis have argued that increased cannabis use could decrease motivation, impair cognitive function and harm health, and ultimately affect ad
New analysis of SAFE Banking Act calls for 10 amendments to improve equity
A paper from the Cannabis Regulators of Color Coalition (CRCC) was released August 12 by Ohio State University’s Moritz College of Law. The paper, entitled Not a SAFE Bet: Eq
Analysis of 3 million Reddit posts reveals key arguments that helped make marijuana legal
By Nina Zdinjak What has influenced the recent marijuana legalization movement? Probably many factors, such as more research on health benefits, positive examples from states and c
Shisha Vape and E-Cig – Comparison, Analysis and Explanation
All millennials and Gen-Zs must be familiar with hookah bars and lounges by now. You must at least have social experience with first or second hand vaping e-liquids, or have tried
The Religiousness of Cannabis – An Analysis of Dogmatic Stoner
Here is the Reddit thread that got me thinking The following article is sure to make some people mad at me in the comments. I don’t care though …
New analysis shows tax revenues from cannabis in the billions
States that have legalized adult marijuana sales have seen billions in new tax revenues from cannabis, according to a new study. The recently published study, courtesy of the Marij