Some important things to know

Landlords tend to have a lot of rules about cannabis, smoking, and vaping. Here are some important things renters should know.

First and foremost, the landlord-tenant relationships are usually regulated in state legislation. So depending on where you live in Canada, you might want to look at the rental laws of your province or territory. It should provide more details on how to use cannabis as a tenant. For example, British Columbia’s Residential Tenancy Act allows non-smoking clauses to be extended to include cannabis smoking.

Although different parts of Canada have different rules, there is also a lot of overlap between rental agreements from region to region. Because of this, there are some general guidelines that you should know when renting. First, it depends on your landlord whether or not you can smoke cannabis. If your rental agreement says you are not allowed to smoke, you must follow this rule. However, these agreements do not necessarily extend to other forms of consumption. If you are only eating edibles or ingesting cannabis oil, the landlords usually cannot forbid you to do so.

There are a few exceptions to this rule of thumb, however. In Saskatchewan, landlords can legally prohibit the possession of cannabis. So if you want to know more details, it is best to consult the rental law of your province / territory.

What about medicinal use, vaping, or waxing?

To anticipate the simple, the rules for growing are similar to those for smoking. Landlords can prohibit tenants from growing anything on their property that includes cannabis cultivation.

When it comes to medical marijuana, the rules vary a lot more. For example, in New Brunswick, medical cannabis follows the same rules as recreational cannabis. If your medical use includes smoking cannabis, landlords can prohibit you from using it, but they cannot prohibit you from not smoking. In BC, however, due to legal precedents, the province considers access to medical marijuana a fundamental right and landlords are required to meet an individual’s medical needs.

After all, the rules of vaping are more of a gray area. Some provinces and territories extend the smoking policy to include vapes. But in other places there are no specific legal clauses on this. In such cases, the landlord usually decides whether steaming is allowed or not. And if there is any ambiguity in your lease, it’s best to speak to him to clarify things.

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