Some congressional candidates support marijuana

It used to be the means of preventing marijuana use

About 65% of members of Congress are white men in their 60s or older who supported the war on drugs as children. One of the Senate's leaders is Mitch McConnell, who prides himself on blocking any positive marijuana legislation and boasts of his nickname Darth Vader. But times are changing, especially in the last major election cycle. Since then, over 50% of the population has had full access to legal marijuana and 24 states have received additional tax revenue thanks to consumer sales. And now some congressional candidates are openly supporting marijuana.

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Until the 2000s, it was normal for candidates to condemn drugs, oppose marijuana, and sometimes hide their personal use. But with the wave of state legalizations, most modern and under-60s (with a few exceptions) are more open and practical. Especially since the Department of Veterans Affairs has become more open. Their new policy is that veterans who participate in a state-approved medical marijuana program will not be denied benefits.

One modern candidate is Lucas Kunce (D-M), who is running for Senate. With six million residents, it is the 18th most populous state in the country. Yet the state has generated $1 billion in revenue. Kunce recognizes this and is pushing for statewide legalization, including a sign-up on his campaign site.

Indiana's fifth congressional district candidate, Raju Chinthal, is also running a national campaign.

Jared Golden of Maine advocates for cannabis-related issues.

Elise Slotkin of Michigan states on her campaign website: “I firmly believe that voters should be able to decide for themselves on this issue… I support the use of medical marijuana… I also support the decriminalization of marijuana.”

It's no surprise that Dave Min, a candidate in the tight race for California's 47th District, is pro-marijuana. He voted for marijuana legalization in the state.

In New York, Mondaire Jones openly supports marijuana and seems to have nothing to do with the chaos in New York State.

And in Pennsylvania, Matt Cartwright provided support.

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Legal cannabis is no longer a taboo subject in the public eye. 85% of the public (and voters) believe it should be legal in some form. But as with other issues, Congress doesn't always listen to the public.

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