Some congressional candidates support marijuana
It used to be the means of preventing marijuana use About 65% of members of Congress are white men in their 60s or older who supported the war on drugs as children. One of the Sena
Cannabis Legalization Hearing held by Congressional Committee
The House Oversight Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties announced on November 8 that it would hold a hearing on November 15 to discuss cannabis legalization. The offic
Congressional candidates’ silence on cannabis reform
By John Hudak Cannabis reform is growing in popularity among voters, activists and state legislators; Cannabis is now legal in 38 states and DC for medical use and in 19 states and
Bipartisan senators are urging congressional leaders to pass marijuana bank laws
Of Jelena Martinovic About a quarter of the voting members of the US House of Representatives have banded together to urge congressional leaders to legislate the marijuana banking
Thanks to this Congressional decision, troops can use CBD products
Of Jelena Martinovic Since July 2020, members of the military have been allowed to use CBD products after the House of Representatives approved a measure allowing the use of hemp p
DC Medical marijuana advocates lift ban on legal sale amid confusing congressional ban
Through Maureen Meihan District of Columbia Council Chairman Phil Mendelson introduced new emergency legislation to reform the medical marijuana market in the nation’s capita
Why is the Congressional Cannabis Caucus Co-Chair Voting Against the MORE Act?
Through Nicholas Rodriguez A key House of Representatives committee on Wednesday formally ratified the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement (MORE) Act, which will e
Congressional Climate Resilience Bill Includes Protecting Its Workforce From Cannabis Testing
by Nina Zdinjak A new bill seeking to promote climate resilience jobs and establish a White House Office of Climate Resilience to encourage climate protection work has been filed b
Congressional memo praises the dynamism of cannabis and emphasizes reform priorities in 2022
By Nicolas Jose Rodriguez US MPs Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Barbara Lee (D-CA) published a memo on behalf of the Congressional Cannabis Caucus, which they jointly lead. The memo li
Marijuana Banking Reform Act chopped off from Congressional Defense Act in bicameral talks
By Maureen Meehan The latest version of the Congressional Defense Act omitted a number of provisions contained in the House-approved National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), incl