So New York City now has the best weed museum in the world

Picture this, Leaf Nation: You've landed in New York City and have a jam-packed itinerary ahead of you, full of sightseeing, shopping, and visiting the best restaurants in Lower Manhattan. But you have no weed, no equipment, and no place to smoke it in style.

What if I told you there was a place where you could get all three and more? I'll even give you a tour.

The House of Cannabis Museum, also known as THC NYC, opened its doors on April 20, 2023 to provide visitors with a comprehensive cannabis experience, from agriculture to its impact on culture to social justice – and what the heck crazy it's it makes an afternoon.

Watch the video below for this experience:

Guests can shop accessories from brands like House of Puff and Edie Parker, order their favorite products directly from the museum courtesy of Union Square Travel Agency, and fill up on munchies before even entering the first exhibit.


New York City Grass Visitor Guide 2024

A $35 ticket gets you access to three floors of interactive exhibits like the psychedelic art installation The Hypnodrome and the Olfactory, a colorful and aromatic gallery dedicated to the science of terpenes. We recommend starting in the Penthouse Green Room, a private consumption and co-working space that feels like entering an intoxicating spa garden. From there, the journey is yours.

The museum has hosted a variety of private events and has an extensive program planned for 2024, so no two experiences will be the same. After all, there is no THC in NYC.

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