Signs your child may be using marijuana
Until the 1980s, parents worried about alcohol, but is marijuana a problem today?
The world is changing rapidly as Canada and parts of the US and Europe legalize weed. And the majority of the public believes it should be legal. Should it increase parental concern? Everyone agrees that marijuana, like alcohol, should only be consumed in your early 20s. One reason for this is that both have an impact on brain development and the more they are used, the more changes can occur.
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There was a slight but significant decrease in marijuana use among eighth, ninth and twelfth graders, which is very positive. From a health perspective, Generation Z is trending away from alcohol and leaning a little more towards weed. Alcohol is more damaging to the brain and overall development than marijuana. Overall, it's a healthy trend and California sobriety is becoming increasingly popular among all ages. But if you're concerned, here are the signs you're cheating on my marijuana use.
Photo by Duong Nhan via Pexels
Look at eyes/face
People who have smoked marijuana often have a hard time hiding the fact that they are stoned. THC contributes to the eyes becoming red and squinting, and depending on the extent of their buzzing, their faces can sometimes look more like a cartoon character. Savvy consumers learn to hide status. They use eye drops to get rid of the redness, and they've learned how much weed they can smoke without getting so strong that they fall apart at the seams. But teenager There is still a lot to learn about getting high before reaching this level. Changes in their laughter (they are easily amused when they are alone in their room) could also be a clue.
RELATED: Legalizing marijuana deters teens from using it, study finds
This is just a sign because allergies, colds or excessive screen use can cause red eyes, and happiness or alcohol can be a reason for increased laughter. If you have concerns, pay attention to routine and behaviors.
Check laundry for odors
Although smoking is still popular, it tends to be aimed at an older audience. If you notice that your children's clothes smell like weed, it could also be a sign that they are consuming weed. E-cigarettes and edibles do not have a distinctive smell, making them difficult to detect. Spilled liquid from a vape or unfamiliar gummy candies can be a clue.
Search Steam equipment and other smoking devices. It never hurts to see what's in their trash, either. In a teenager's mind, you would never dig through their trash to see what they are doing.
Pay attention to eating habits
Children grow physically and their metabolism can run at full speed. This is the usual reason why children always seem to be searching the refrigerator for something to eat. You ate dinner an hour ago, but you're somehow hungry again. However, one side effect of marijuana is this NibblesTherefore, paying attention to eating habits can sometimes provide insight. If they make an extra sandwich from time to time, it's probably nothing to worry about.
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But if they start coming out of the kitchen with bizarre culinary creations (we always mixed peanut butter and marshmallow flakes), that could be a clue that they're eating something. The best way to find out for sure is to simply call it. When they sit down with a bowl of Fruity Pebbles ice cream, just say, “What, are you high?” What happens next, the squirming, paranoid behavior, might be all the proof you need.
RELATED: Teens try marijuana before alcohol and tobacco
Have an open conversation
The most effective method is an open, honest and calm conversation. Teenagers are smart (although they don't always act like it), so it's not incomprehensible to them to explain to them the impact their actions might have. We believe that showing teenagers that we are “on their side” is a better approach to parenting than freaking out.
Everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect when it comes to following the rules. Make it clear to them that your aversion to marijuana use is really just about ensuring that they have the best chance in life.
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