Should you smoke marijuana before getting a tattoo?

Marijuana is a natural anxiolytic, which means that it relieves anxiety. Many people turn to it during moments of high stress to manage social anxiety or to relax from something stressful. Should you turn to it when you get a tattoo?

The answer is complicated and depends largely on the person, their experience with cannabis, and their relationship with tattoos.

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Photo by Benn McGuinness via Unsplash

While using marijuana before any activity can make things better, it largely depends on your previous experience with the drug. Seasoned smokers will rarely be surprised by the severe side effects of cannabis unless they try a new method or consume a strain they are unfamiliar with. When it comes to newbies, it might not be a good idea to combine the new experience of cannabis with the novelty of a tattoo, especially if this is their first tattoo.

Smoking before tattooing can get a little tricky, according to International Highlife. While marijuana can relax you for a semi-uncomfortable experience, it can also make you more anxious and sensitive to pain. Being afraid while someone is sticking a needle through your skin doesn’t sound like the smartest decision.

Levi Moodie, owner and artist of The Drifter’s Ink, believes customers should be careful when it comes to cannabis and tattoos. He prefers to tattoo people who are sober, who have their exact idea of ​​the tattoo, who really want it and who don’t change their mind in the middle of the session.

“Often times, people who smoke marijuana go from caution as they should be to rethinking their tattoos, ideas, or tattooing, and then when the needle hits the skin they can potentially reconsider the experience and flip out. I’ve seen it a couple of times, ”he said in an interview.

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Being high can cause people to react in different ways, which means that in the worst case scenario, someone could have a bad experience and get an ugly tattoo too. While smoking before a tattoo is up to you, staying sober may be the best idea. You can get high afterwards by using weed to treat your pain and inflammation, and to help you relax and find new great things to love about your new ink.

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