Should I stop smoking weed?

We all agree that if you abuse something – even if it is cannabis – it will ultimately be detrimental to your health and wellbeing.

For some there comes a time when they wonder, “Should I stop smoking weed?”

It’s an important question, and often people who ask these kinds of questions sucks on pro-cannabis threads. There is a sense of fanaticism in cannabis culture that does not help people who are serious about seeking advice on these topics.

To be someone who has smoked cannabis for more than two decades [on and sometimes off]I have spoken to my fair share of people who have asked me this question.

And so – I’ve decided to answer some of the most frequently asked questions on the subject in the following article. In order to do this, I always ask people to reflect on their motivation to stop cannabis or to take a break.

I feel foggy, unmotivated when I smoke …

If this resonates with you, chances are you are smoking too much pot man. While cannabis helps “reduce the heat”, it is not intended to be a permanent state of being.

Some might say, “Reg – you smoke weed every day!” I’m sure of that – but I’m not “stoned all day”. I wake up early, do some work, and maybe take a token every now and then.

Maybe right after a few hours of work, I took a token or two from a mild weed, got up, and went for a walk. Stretch my legs, let go of the stress, and then come back and have something to eat, refuel and take a breath, or meditate or take a nap.

As you can see, cannabis is being used in a way that will help my day. However, the first thing you do in the morning when you smoke bong rips is to review your relationship with cannabis and ask yourself, “Why do I have to get? that crap every morning? “

Understanding why you would rather go through life can help identify the problem that you are avoiding.

I am not saying to quit smoking weed – I am saying take a break and deal with the root cause of your relentless need to cloud your basic consciousness.

I feel guilty about smoking weed, I have to lie to those around me

Another reason you might want to quit smoking weed is because of guilt. This applies to those who need to hide what they are doing because of other people’s perception.

Maybe you live in your parents’ house and just don’t have enough money to get a place of your own. It happens.

Here you are facing two concepts; Do I stay true to myself or do I bow to the will of others?

Choosing either will feel like shit as this is a prime example of a “no-win situation”. Especially when there is no way to change the perception of the other party involved.

In these cases, quitting for a while might not be a bad idea – especially if you are feeling guilty. Either that or you will confess to your parents that you used them and just rip that scab wide open.

I see it this way – and this is a very personal opinion, as my editor will mark this blog post – that in the end you have to be true to yourself.

Guilt is not a way of life, and so either you have to resolve it by dealing with people around you and trusting that you will “eventually” be fine, or you have to stop until you can do it through no fault of your own.

The other option is to simply accept the fact that you can never please everyone, and ultimately you are the person who has to be “okay” with what you do.

Do you only know one thing – whatever you do is going to affect those around you in one way or another.

I get paranoid and don’t enjoy it that much, but smoke it because everyone else does

If you don’t like something – don’t do it.

If you do because your friends do and don’t accept you when you don’t – make better friends.

If this resonates with you, stop smoking weed immediately.

I got busted for pot and I’m on probation

I mean, if you smoke a pot during probation, then you’re either the bravest person on the planet who doesn’t give a fuck or Jason Mendoza from The Good Place.

You can be the same person who came to think about it.

If I were – I wouldn’t smoke weed when I was under the watchful eye of Johnny Law. Weeds are good, it’s a medicine – but freedom is better.

Sometimes you have to play the game to survive – when you’re in a bind with weeds, taking a year or two off – you’ve got your whole life to smoke as much weeds as you want.

Hell – you might even lick frogs!

But now you have to lie down.

I am in rehab

Dude … like above!

Here is some general advice

When it comes to consuming something – whether we’re talking about food or drugs or even doing something like breath work or going to the gym or something like that.

It is always good to do it in moderation.

If you feel like you need to take a break from the weeds, give it a try. See how much you depend on it. Hell – I take breaks a lot, especially when I’m fasting or detoxing.

After all – it’s your life and your body, you have to make the ultimate decision. I hope this has given you just enough information to remind you that you are ticking.


How hard is it to quit smoking weed?

How hard is it to quit smoking weed for even a week?




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