Outrageous and Ridiculous – Drug Smuggling Word Search – Latest Cannabis News Today

There’s a famous saying, “Necessity is the mother of creation,” and nothing more applies to a drug smuggler. When it comes to smuggling drugs, a smuggler must use all his inner creativity. Sometimes a bold move can be so bold that it just works. When this is not the case, arrest can mean not only consequences, but also humiliation and confusion. Get ready for some tales of outrageous drug smuggling; Names have been changed to protect those who were never blown up. Follow that by sniffing out the drugs in the word search below.

Prison letters with liquid LSD

I recently spoke to a gentleman who spent time in prison in the early 1990’s. After his grow operation was busted, Mike was charged with a number of criminal offenses. He felt sorry for some of his buddies while he was biding his time in prison, so they found a way to give him some joy. They wrote him letters and dipped the corners of each page in liquid LSD. Mike would just have to bite off the corner of the letter and he would trip over balls. Eventually, his friends got worried the cops would get it, so they stopped diving the corners. Instead, they would take a small pin, dip it in LSD, and puncture every point written in the letter.

Cocaine in avocados and pineapples

One day someone woke up and decided to smuggle cocaine in avocados and pineapples. It was one of those ideas that was so crazy it worked for a while. However, nowadays the authorities have found out about drug smuggling in goods smuggling. After a pound of weed was discovered in a watermelon, police were on high alert.

Look at the cops smashing those dirty pineapples.

Cigarette filters and liquid LSD

This is a true story told by an elderly gentleman I know. John used to sell liquid LSD and his methods were quite brilliant. John dipped cigarette filters in the psychedelic substance and then sold them at parties. Some people just kept the filter in their mouth while others smoked the cigarettes. Handing in the drugs was literally as easy as handing in cigarettes, and the cops never got it.

Newsworthy busts

want more? This news report rounds up some crazy busts. My favorite is the paraplegic man with pounds of meth taped to his legs.

Find the drugs listed below in this week’s word search!


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