Legal medical marijuana leads to more sex

Living in a state with legal medical marijuana could mean you're more likely to have sex, according to a study published in the Journal of Health Economics. On the surface, it might seem like an entirely positive finding. However, researchers warn that such behavior comes with some downsides.

Previous studies have shown a link between cannabis use and increased sexual activity. A 2017 study found that daily marijuana users have 20% more sex than those who have never used cannabis. But this recent study is one of the first to focus on medical marijuana legislation and its impact on citizens.

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To better understand the connection, researchers examined states that legalized medical cannabis between 2005 and 2014. They then analyzed how the implementation of these laws affected sexual frequency and fertility among people in their 20s and 30s. “We think so.” [medical marijuana laws] lead to an increase in sexual activity,” the researchers concluded.

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However, the study also found that medical marijuana laws reduced contraceptive use, leading to higher birth rates. Specifically, states with new medical marijuana laws saw an average increase of 2%, representing 333 more births per quarter. One blind spot in the study, says David Simon, study co-author and assistant professor of economics at the University of Connecticut, is that researchers couldn't determine whether these people were trying to get pregnant or whether they had simply forgotten. to use contraceptives.

“On the one hand, more of these births are occurring to unmarried partners and we are finding evidence of a temporary increase in gonorrhea following the passage of medical marijuana laws,” Simon told Yahoo Lifestyle. “This is consistent with a story of 'impaired judgment'.”

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However, he added, “It is also possible that some of these births may be due to reductions in chronic pain and increased life satisfaction.”

Researchers also noted that with the introduction of medical marijuana comes new products to improve sexual well-being. Experts have differing opinions on whether cannabis is a sexual aid. Some analysts point out that high-CBD strains increase libido and sexual satisfaction more consistently than high-THC strains. Another study concluded that cannabis led to higher sex drives in both men and women, while also increasing orgasms in both sexes.

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