Joe Biden isn’t senile – he’s just hard to learn when it comes to weeds

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article belong solely to the author and are not necessarily those of The Fresh Toast.

President Biden has suffered two avoidable embarrassments. First, he somehow managed to fall three times and try to walk up the ramp stairs for Air Gorce One. I’m even older than him so I’m compassionate. Oops. It happens.

Don’t worry if you missed it. It will run forever on the Trump cult networks to demonstrate how inferior he is to the god-like athleticism of the Apollo by Mar-aa.Swampo.

Photo by Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

The second embarrassment was deliberate. The Biden White House fired five employees who honestly admitted they had used marijuana.

Someone immediately pointed out that doing so would prevent former President Barack (“Lock My People Up”) Obama from being appointed to anything. To that I say: “Hurray!”

SEE: Obama’s War On Pot. In a shocking U-turn, the government has launched government-wide crackdown on medical marijuana

On the other hand, it is completely at odds with the claims that his advisors will use to lead Science and truth. T.he punishes both and probably creates security risks.

In essence, it will pointlessly rule out some really great minds. Two of the greatest geniuses of the last century were cannabis users, one of whom was the late Carl Sagan“American astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author and science communicator.”

As Wikipedia described it: “Sagan was a user and advocate of marijuana. Under the pseudonym “Mr. X, ”he wrote an essay on smoking cannabis in the book Marihuana Reconsidered in 1971. The essay stated that marijuana use helped inspire some of Sagan’s works and enhanced sensory and intellectual experiences. After Sagan’s death, his friend Lester Grinspoon passed this information on to Sagan’s biographer Keay Davidson. The publication of the biography Carl Sagan: A Life in 1999 brought this aspect of Sagan’s life to the media’s attention. Shortly after his death, his widow Ann Druyan headed the Board of Directors of the National Organization for Reform of the Marijuana Law (NORML), a non-profit organization dedicated to reforming cannabis law. “

Senate Democrats and President Biden are not on the same side as cannabis reformPhoto by Drew Angerer / Getty Images

I had the privilege of being the National Director of NORML at the time and the dinner Allen St. Pierre and I had with Sagan and Sagan Druyan was one of the greatest experiences of my very fun life.

Another great spirit (and a NORML board member who was also recruited by Lester Grinspoon) who would be expelled was the Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis. He “shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Blacksmith[4] and was awarded the Japan Prize in the same year. His invention became a central technique in biochemistry and molecular biology, described by the New York Times as “highly original and significant, practically dividing biology into the two epochs before and after PCR.”

Mullis would have been particularly problematic for the truth because in the In a Q&A interview published in the September 1994 issue of California Monthly, Mullis said:

I took a lot of LSD in the 1960s and early 1970s. Lots of people did that back in Berkeley. And I found it to be an insightful experience. It was certainly far more important than any course I’ve ever attended. “[60][verification needed] During a symposium for centenarian Albert Hofmann, Hofmann said Mullis told him that LSD “helped him develop the polymerase chain reaction that helps amplify specific sequences of DNA”.

Well, we sure wouldn’t want people like that to give Biden advice unless it comes down to holding onto the railing.

The most serious problem, of course, is what this means for Biden administration policies. After over 22nd Biden was shocked and shocked to find out that the laws he supported for decades had disproportionately influenced the ethnic minorities he now claims to defend.

SEE: Don’t Mention The Drug War. We have to decriminalize being black because black freedom is important

He may or may not understand how much he owed his election to Trump’s failure to support marijuana legalization and the fact that Biden’s supporters obscured his ban record.

SEE: Biden Somehow Decides to Legalize Marijuana: He’s Still Opposed and Did the Marijuana Ban Cost Trump the Election?

Unfortunately, Biden reminds me of something Talleyrand said of the Bourbon dynasty: “They had learned nothing and forgot nothing.”

Richard Cowan is a former NORML National Director and author of A Primer on the Smell and Taste of CBD Oil.

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