Is this the real reason Amazon supports marijuana legalization?

Why has Amazon now spoken out in favor of legalizing marijuana?

With Amazon’s big press release about its support for marijuana legalization in America, many in the cannabis industry concluded that Jeff Bezos and his board of directors were preparing to ship and ship marijuana.

Not so fast. While Amazon may one day be able to sell and ship THC products, we haven’t even gotten close to that idea in terms of legalization and state laws. Remember, Amazon has a federal government, 50 state governments, and about 120 governments in other countries that you need to worry about and appease before they start shipping cannabis across North America.

Photo by Christian Wiediger via Unsplash

After calling our sources on Amazon and speaking with various Amazon DSP partners, what’s the real reason for Amazon’s new-found legalization support? It’s not benevolent or malicious as you might think. It’s about getting workers into their camps. Amazon, like most parts of America, has a very difficult time getting people back to work with an hourly wage of $ 16-18, and many Amazon stations are switching to “Megacycle”, where the warehouse workers work from 11pm to 7am. You will only find a few buyers for this glorious offer.

RELATED: Amazon Supports Federal Marijuana Legalization Law, Drops Drug Screening

Recently, Amazon announced that it would spend $ 1 billion on employee salaries and job creation. This was not done for benevolent reasons from Amazon, but because they couldn’t get workers at their current wage level. The minimum wages in the Amazon warehouse have increased from 10% to over 30% to attract workers. This doesn’t even include the new $ 1,000 and $ 1,500 signing bonuses that Amazon warehouse workers are now offering to try and fill their vacancies.

Jane TechnologiesPhoto courtesy of Amazon

What does this have to do with legalizing marijuana?

Amazon has a drug testing policy that includes marijuana. Amazon understands that if they stop testing for marijuana or if cannabis is legalized at the federal level, they can significantly expand their pool of eligible workers at this wage level. While the press release says they will discontinue testing in non-DOT positions (sorry, drivers!), Like many government agencies, they note that if you eliminate everyone who fails a marijuana drug test, it eliminates a lot of potential employees become. This is especially relevant in large, legal cannabis states like California, Colorado, and now Florida.

I can guarantee Amazon figured out how many employee claims across the country fail the marijuana drug test each month, let’s say 10,000 for fun, and realized that 10,000 more people might be able to meet their guidelines if they didn’t use marijuana – Drug testing guidelines would have pick-and-pack shifts from midnight to 7am.

RELATED: Uber plans to explore marijuana delivery once it’s federally legal

Does Amazon want to sell cannabis and ship it one day? Absolutely, they are already trying to replenish prescription drugs to reach an ever larger testing area, but that is now not the primary goal in helping marijuana legalization, it is to bring their pool of eligible workers to $ 15-17 each Hour to expand. The FBI and CIA all faced and debated similar issues, particularly computer program recruitment and “hackers” since a large majority of this community might fail a marijuana drug test.

The Amazon Prime Week will take place from June 21 to 22 this year. Get ready because if you sell a few billion dollars in items in 48 hours, someone has to pack all those packages and ship them to your home.

This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission.

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