How to smoke a bong? A step-by-step guide
Bongs have always been a popular method of smoking cannabis, both in modern times and throughout history.
Bongs are popular with young and old alike due to their simple and elegant design, ease of use and ability to filter smoke before it reaches the lungs.
Although the bong has been around for thousands of years, it still holds a special place in the hearts of cannabis fans, and will surely continue to do so for generations to come.
What is a bong?
A bong is a water pipe for smoking marijuana that cools and filters the smoke with water to provide a smoother smoking experience.
Sucking on the bong properly is the key to a great experience.
Smoking a bong is actually a simple process.
First, let’s understand what each part of the bong does.
The different parts of a bong
Even though the construction of a bong seems complex, each of its parts plays a specific role.
Knowing the components of a bong will help you use it better.
Bowl: This part holds your ground cannabis. You fill the bowl before smoking.
Downstem: The downstem connects the bowl to the water in the bong. The smoke flows through this tube.
chamber: This area contains water to filter the smoke. It cools and purifies the smoke as you inhale.
base: The base keeps your bong stable on a flat surface. It can be round or flat, but always supports the rest.
Mouthpiece: You put your lips here to inhale the smoke. Make sure they are clean so you have a good experience.
Ice prize: Not all bongs have them, but ice catchers hold ice cubes for even cooler hits.
coffee machine: A percolator adds an additional level of filtration. It breaks the smoke down into tiny bubbles, ensuring smooth hits.
How do you smoke a bong?
Step 1: Clean your bong
If you have used your bong before, be sure to clean it.
You can do this easily by taking all the parts apart and washing them with water.
If the bong is made of glass, you can also use a cleaning solution like Bong Cleaner to clean the bong.
After cleaning, be sure to dry the parts and then carefully reassemble them.
Step 2: Fill the bong with water
As mentioned above, water helps cool down the smoke, which is essential for enjoying smooth hits.
Only fill the base of the bong until the downstem is just covered with water.
This way, the smoke has to pass through the water. Don't fill the bong too high or you risk spilling bong water all over your weed or yourself.
The perfect height is about 1 inch above the bottom tip of your downstem.
Step 3: Fill your bowl
Add some herbs of your favorite variety. In some cases, you may need to use a sieve to prevent smaller pieces and ash from getting into your water pipe.
To be safe, read the instructions on the packaging or in your bong's manual.
Be sure not to add too much at once, otherwise the herbs will burn more slowly and you don't want to end up with half-burnt herbs.
Also, make sure to grind the herbs before adding them to the bowl. Do this coarsely so that you end up with fairly large pieces.
If you don't have a herb grinder, you can use scissors or crush the flower with your fingers.
Step 4: Close all holes
In order for the smoke to collect in the bong, all holes should be closed.
To do this, place your lips in the bong and press the rim against the area around your mouth so that the mouthpiece closes.
Many heads have an additional hole to increase airflow and empty the chamber as you inhale smoke.
This hole is called the “carburettor hole” and should be closed with your finger.
Pro tip: Close this hole with a finger of your non-dominant hand so that you can light your herbs with your dominant hand.
Carb holes make your bong easier to use because you don't have to lift your bong and remove the bowl when taking a hit.
This reduces the risk of your bong or downstem breaking.
Bongs without a carb hole have a stronger punch and do not require concentration on keeping the carb hole closed when inhaling.
Step 5: Light it
This is where the magic happens.
Make yourself comfortable on your favorite sofa or armchair. Lighting is easy and can be done with a regular lighter.
Be careful not to burn yourself.
Keep your thumb away from the fire.
This is easier if you hold the lighter sideways.
We offer some really cool lighters and some hemp wicks that you will definitely like.
Check them out in our store.
Step 6: Start inhaling
Start inhaling as soon as you light the herbs.
You will see the smoke collecting in the chamber of your bong.
Continue inhaling until the chamber is filled with enough smoke.
Be careful, because if you inhale too quickly, the water from your bong can get into your mouth.
Pro tip: If you want to make smoking a little easier, you should breathe in and out a few times using your diaphragm (abdominal breathing) before lighting the bong.
This increases the amount of oxygen in your body, allowing you to easily inhale more smoke through your bong without coughing or running out of oxygen.
Step 7: Let go and take a drag
Now put your lighter away and get ready to open the carb hole that you blocked with your finger or the bowl (if your bong doesn't have a carb).
Once the hole is opened, air can flow through and clean the chamber.
Thanks to the additional air circulation, you can now inhale the smoke from your bong more easily.
To achieve maximum effect, hold the smoke in your lungs for a few seconds before exhaling.
When you're done smoking, dump the bong water and clean the bowl of any excess burnt herbs.
You can easily clean the bowl by rinsing it briefly.
My encounter with Bong
I sat in the quiet living room and held the delicate glass vaporizer loosely in my hand.
Its transparent body looked exceptionally crystal clear in the light and with each inhalation I could see the smoke slowly flowing through, forming beautiful swirls.
I thought back to the night I tried it for the first time.
It was at a friend's party, surrounded by familiar smiling faces and relaxing music.
At the time, I was curious about glass vaping, but also a little nervous because I had never experienced it like this before.
My friends encouraged me to try it and told me that 13 seconds is the magic time to absorb the most THC in a single hit. This method is gentler and causes less irritation to the throat than the traditional method.
I awkwardly mimicked my friends' movements, and as I inhaled, the novelty of the sensation made my heart beat faster as the smoke entered my mouth, the smoke filtered through the water and felt cold and completely different than I expected.
It was exciting, but with a strange freshness.
The smoke spiraled up through the glass bong and through the clear glass body I could see each individual bubble popping.
Since then I have loved this feeling.
I am now a smoking veteran and have mastered the various smoking techniques.
Started trying different flavors, like adding fruit ice cubes, switching to different liquids to filter the smoke, etc. (none of these are as good as water).
In conclusion, learning the art of bong smoking can enhance your smoking experience.
By following the step-by-step instructions and applying professional tips, you will enjoy smoother draws and better filtering.
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