How has cannabis positively affected your life, let’s count the ways!
There are so many articles out there dealing with the negative aspects of cannabis – many of which I have analyzed and debunked.
Today, however, I want to focus on the positive aspects of cannabis. So we’re going to look at some of the answers to “How Has Cannabis Affected Your Life”.
At the end of this article I will repeat the question and recommend that you also add your voice to the conversation by simply leaving a comment on the social media platform you are reading this from.
Cannabis has helped me personally at several stages in my life.
It has helped me deal with depression and pain and opened up my worldview in such a way that I am now constantly curious. Some of my hobbies are “studying things I don’t know about” – and part of that is because cannabis shows me that the world is much bigger than I see it.
I could learn a lot more about my personal cannabis walk, but let’s take a moment to hear what others have to say …
It helps pay the bills!
There was a time when only drug dealers could tell – but these days hardworking people like you and me can be employed in the cannabis industry. Hell, even I fall into that category, having worked digitally in the cannabis field for 12 years.
The cannabis industry currently employs 321,000 people annually and that number will increase as more states begin legalization. Cannabis will pay the bills, taxes, and more in the years to come!
It keeps me focused
One of the people who answered the question on Reddit said, “If I find a good podcast or audiobook, I can literally walk for miles!”
Cannabis can be a distraction – but finding the right strain and activity can produce amazing results. In the case of running and sports – cannabis can laser focus you. You can “let go” of the mechanical tasks you have to do – like putting one foot in front of the other – and focus on another activity, such as a podcast or audiobook or just music.
I often do shamanic walks where I put a playlist on Spotify – usually some drum kit or didgeridoo music – take a big hit of weed and walk for 20-30 minutes while doing a breathwork pattern. The aim of the walk is to drive away any disturbing thought and to become fully aware of this moment – the eternal present.
The cannabis acts as a catalyst for awareness to take a back seat and allow the unconscious to have greater control – laser focus, in fact!
Helps with depression more than pharmaceutical pills
While this isn’t the case for everyone, one of the Redditors who answered this question had this to say:
“Helped me with depression 10x more than the prescription drugs I was given.”
For many people, cannabis offers relief from mental health problems like depression, PTSD, anxiety and so on, without the harmful side effects of conventional pharmaceutical medicine.
Some people use cannabis to combat the side effects of these drugs, while others simply replace them entirely. Nonetheless, there are millions of people who have found relief from their mental disorders by using cannabis.
Made me more open-minded
It’s strange, but cannabis can have these effects on some people. It allows them to see beyond their own belief lines and creates enough plasticity to accept other ideas.
Another person added the following;
It makes me more sensitive to other people and their feelings. In all honesty, I’ve been smoking weed every day for about 4.5 years and my life is a lot better now than it was when I started smoking more. The grass didn’t make my life better, but it didn’t make my life worse or get in my way.
Empathy is a common side effect of cannabis use. They can “put yourself in the shoes of others” for a brief moment and allow you to accept strange behavior as long as it does not directly bother you or others.
It makes me sleep!
Let another Redditor explain it to you …
I suffered from chronic insomnia for years, but I noticed that consuming cannabis before bed really helps me fall asleep and stay asleep. It can also act as a mood lift when I’m stressed or worried. In addition, smoking itself serves as an effective reflection period. Sitting on my porch and taking a few puffs centers me. No one bothers me. It gives me a chance to come to terms with the day.
A good night’s sleep is definitely good for your health. Surprisingly, it also helps to reinforce those other issues that the person mentioned – mood, reflection, etc.
Cannabis can help some people with their insomnia, usually you will need a strong sedative that your local pharmacy classifies as “indica dominant”.
It makes me feel confident!
Weed makes me self-critical in a healthy way. I will notice things about myself that I want to work on and improve. Also a much healthier alternative to alcohol if you just want to relax / escape reality on a weekend evening.
The only bad thing about weed is that it makes me nibble like an entire animal. I would never eat a Twinkie sober.
There is a sense of self-awareness that can result from cannabis use. This is because the brain likes to keep things as automated as possible – so when you hook into a routine it starts firing those automated algorithms.
Smoking weed disrupts these cerebral processes, forcing you to reflect your behavior in a different light. It shifts where your consciousness rests, and so you can check your behavior with “fresh”, if blurry, eyes.
Better sex!
Sex lasts longer! And it helps me sleep better, I’m often very scared, but most of the time it is under control. The key is not that you are so stoned or paranoid. Think of it like alcohol that you know you restrict just enough for any situation
Sex can be a lot more fun when you and your partner are flashed – you can bond on a deeper, more personal level, which enhances the experience.
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