How about marijuana peeps for your basket?

Love them or hate them, Peeps have become a staple for Easter and other holidays. Every year, retailers across the US and Canada are stocked with holiday items, from chocolate to new clothing to the infamous little bunnies. Newspapers hold contests asking people to film a scene with the squishy characters, and conversations about the Peep can be heard in store aisles and over cocktails. But what if you made them even better…how about marijuana peeps for your basket?

Last year, Easter candy accounted for over $3.4 billion in sales and Canadian dollars. Sales of confectionery for this holiday have been steadily increasing over the past 10 years. Edibles are a huge cannabis market. According to BDSA, a leading analytics firm that also covers cannabis, edibles are the most common way people consume marijuana. About 90% of this comes from gummy bears, followed by chocolate.

In 1953, Just Born acquired the Rodda Candy Company and its line of gummy bears and marshmallow chicks. Cleverly, they replaced the time-consuming process of manually shaping the chicks with mass production. When founder Sam Born displayed a sign for his freshly made sweets, he titled it “Just Born,” a reference to his last name and the fact that he made his sweets fresh daily. The newly acquired company, Just Born, was soon the “largest marshmallow candy manufacturer in the world.”

In the 1960s, the company began pursuing seasonal themes. Twenty years later, the marshmallow Peeps Bunny was released as a popular year-round form of candy. The yellow chicks were the candy's original shape—hence its name—but then the company introduced other colors and eventually the countless shapes it produces today.

How to Prepare Marijuana Peeps:

1) Buy some Bunny Peeps.

2) Melt either white chocolate or vanilla candy wafers or bark in a microwave-safe mug (deep enough to cover the Peeps) until nice, liquidy.

3) Add cannabutter or a small amount of marijuana oil and stir well until completely combined.

4) Stick a lollipop into the bottom of each Peep (use some melted candy to help it stick).

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5) Dip each Peep into the candy to coat. Allow the candy to harden.

6) Have fun!

You should be careful with the dosage and perhaps try it before sharing it with friends or at a holiday gathering.

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