How about experimenting with marijuana?

All of Canada and over 50% of the US have access to legal cannabis, and people seem to have changed their minds about it. Fox News calls it a legitimate business and over 85% of the population believes it should be legal. From Generation Z to Baby Boomers, people are going to pharmacies to try it out. So how about experimenting with marijuana? Do you get addicted the first time? Does it change lives?

The old myth is that marijuana is addictive and a gateway drug. Addiction is more common with alcohol or cocaine. But it is possible to become addicted to marijuana, also known as cannabis. Studies show that about one in ten adults who use marijuana can become addicted.

RELATED: 8 Ways to Enjoy Marijuana Without Smoking It

From a health perspective, marijuana is gentler on the body than alcohol. Consumed in moderation, marijuana helps prevent weight gain, hangovers, and body damage. Alcohol can be harmful to the body. In addition, there is no case of a marijuana overdose, in the worst case scenario you fall asleep. Generation Z is turning away from alcohol and into the marijuana camp.

Photo by Kindel Media via Pexels

The way you experiment is also a consideration. If you're handed a joint, bong, or vape, you'll likely feel a high fairly quickly. As it fades, you can decide whether to move on in the moment or think about whether you would try again. A single hit doesn't really make you a user or stoner. If using an edible, start low and slow, a gummy may relax you but don't expect it to buzz like two martinis. Give it 45 minutes and then see how it goes.

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Why are you experimenting and giving up alcohol? Are you feeling stressed? Or just curious? All are good reasons, but it's good to know why so you can see if they're achieving your goal. A study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that marijuana reduced symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress. Researchers found that those looking to reduce stress should use strains high in CBD and THC, while strains high in CBD and low THC are best at helping limit depression.

“Cannabis reduces perceived symptoms of negative affect in the short term, but continued use may worsen underlying symptoms of depression over time,” the researchers concluded.

Helping you with a condition such as irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, or another condition can be life-changing. Otherwise, it might just make you happy and open your mind – and you can decide if it changes your life.

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