Home Wellness Practices 2.0 – Hemp, Hum, Yoga and Cannabis
Although some people try to make obesity a “healthy thing,” health, fitness, and wellness has become a very popular thing in recent years. And if you’re in the camp of people who believe that obesity and fat clogging your arteries is “natural or healthy” – then you need to take a hard look at your life.
I don’t shame anyone for being fat – on the contrary, I’m just pointing out the facts. Obese people have higher susceptibility to diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, low energy, etc.
While it is also true that some people are overweight due to metabolic or other medical reasons, the truth is that the vast majority of people are unhealthy and overweight because it is a result of their own eating habits and lack of physical activity.
At a time when you can order a donut without leaving your seat and making the maximum effort to slide your finger across a pane of glass, it’s incredibly easy to be unhealthy, overweight and unwell. Especially when corporations and big tech companies use intelligent algorithms to modify the information they are exposed to on a daily basis, ultimately invoking a certain “standard of acceptance”.
On the other hand, of course, we have health freaks who use things like Instagram to take their health activities to almost god-like levels. Perhaps it is this overexposure to these elements that produces these extreme results, or the forced advertising aimed at addressing your weaknesses to inspire you to buy the product or service that “they” are selling you.
Today we’re going to take a closer look at some of the easy-to-use home remedies you can use today to boost your health and well-being.
This is not an article for people struggling with weight, although I used it as an example in the beginning. There are many other unhealthy extremes like substance abuse, the content you consume, and the people you hang out with. Today’s article is designed to help you get started on a healthy behavior plan that will ultimately change your life for the better.
Cannabis for health and wellness
I’ve spoken extensively about cannabis and wellness over the years. In fact, if you were to search Cannabis.net, you will likely find that about half of the content is dedicated to health or well-being and its relationship to cannabis in one way or another.
Cannabis is probably one of the best plants to incorporate into your diet to maximize your health performance and overall well-being. That doesn’t mean smoking it either.
You can consume cannabis in its raw form to get many health benefits including;
Overall, cannabis is said to treat hundreds of conditions and diseases.
Again, you don’t have to smoke cannabis to reap the benefits of cannabis use. Many people opt for oils and tinctures, which generally don’t make you feel stoned at all. When you eat the raw cannabis plant, you get the benefits without the high. This is because most cannabinoids in the raw form are still in their acid form. The acid form of cannabinoids doesn’t make them psychoactive, or in other words – they can’t get you high. In addition, the bioavailability of the cannabinoids increases, meaning you can get larger doses of the cannabinoids this way.
When it comes to health and well-being, cannabis is definitely a solid ally for anyone conscious of their habits.
buzz for health
Buzz for health is something that might seem counterintuitive, but there is actually a lot of science behind it. To explain the benefits of the hum, we first need to look at a little thing called nitric oxide.
Nitric Oxide is sometimes referred to as “The Miracle Molecule” due to its many different health benefits. First, nitric oxide is a vasodilator, meaning it increases blood flow. However, nitric oxide can also provide benefits;
blood flow
Reduces erectile dysfunction
Healthier blood pressure
Increased energy and stamina
Better heart health
Support of the immune system
Increased lung health
Antiviral, antibacterial properties
Here is some information from researchers regarding NO.
The study, conducted by scientists at Uppsala University Zoonosis Science Center in Sweden, has provided early evidence that nitric oxide can inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication and hypoxia in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome. – SOURCE
Why don’t you sit down and listen to the guy who discovered nitric oxide, Dr. Ignarro Louis
In the video he explains in detail the benefits of nitric oxide. However, nitric oxide is only one benefit of the hum. Most importantly, the hum increases nitric oxide production by 15x. Nitric Oxide is naturally produced in the nasal cavities.
When you hum for health, you also tap into some deep parasympathetic processes. For example, the hum helps stimulate the vagus nerve — which helps induce a deep sense of relaxation, stress relief, and more.
All you have to do is hum for about 5-10 minutes a day to experience the physiological and psychological benefits of the practice.
hemp for health
Hemp is another superfood that can help you achieve many benefits and also keep you healthy. Not to be confused with cannabis, which can be psychoactive, hemp offers many of the similar benefits of cannabis without the high.
Additionally, hemp is also a food, meaning you can incorporate it into your diet to get plenty of the cannabinoids you want.
Here are a few health benefits of hemp;
Good source of protein
Good source of omega 3 and 6
Super Omega 6 Gamma Linolenic Acid
Super Omega-3 Stearidonic Acid
In terms of nutritional value, according to the USDA, for 30 grams of hulled hemp seed;
Calories: 166
Fat: 14.6g
Sodium: 1.5 mg
Carbohydrates: 2.6 g
Dietary fiber: 1.2 g
Sugar: 0.5g
Egg white: 9.5 g
It also contains magnesium and provides about 50% of your daily needs and about 13% of your daily iron needs. Not to mention providing about 20% of your daily zinc needs.
As you can see, simply including it in your diet will give you a massive nutrient boost. However, many hemp products also contain phytocannabinoids that help the endocannabinoid system.
After all, yoga is something everyone should be doing with cannabis. It should be technically compulsory or taught in school. Yoga itself is a form of meditation, but it is much more than that. This type of bodywork allows you to relieve stress and tension, remain supple and become acutely present in your body.
Considering it’s a practice that has endured for millennia, yoga is something you should incorporate into your daily routine for at least 15 minutes. It will make you feel significantly better.
It is also very comfortable to make it a bit high.
The sticky bottom line
Being healthy is great. When you have seemingly unlimited energy and drive, start behaving differently. You enjoy life a little more. Everything I’ve talked about on this blog will make you feel “better” if you just do it.
Wellness, health – all this is your personal responsibility. Eat right, exercise, fill your lungs with air, hum a little, go for a walk in the woods and stand barefoot on the ground. Look into the sun in the morning, sing, play Digeridoo – paint!
Life is for living – it’s up to you how well you live it.
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