Heatwaves and Weed: 5 Ways Summer Heat Can Affect Your High

Heat records are becoming the norm these days. Much of the US has already experienced multiple heat waves, and summer has only just begun. When the weather gets stiflingly hot there isn’t much you can do to improve the situation other than stay hydrated and if you use cannabis you may get high and hope for a breeze.

Enjoying some high-quality THC on a particularly hot day can certainly improve your mood, although it can’t make you cooler. There may even be some physical benefits to getting high on a hot day. But there are some precautions and considerations to keep in mind when you decide to get high and embrace the rising temperatures. Here are five things to remember about marijuana during these brutal summer heat waves.

Photo by Aral Tasher via Unsplash

1. Don’t let your edibles melt

Edibles are great for all sorts of occasions. Long plane trips, mighty nights and days in nature can often be enhanced with a gummy bear or piece or THC chocolate. However, it’s important to remember that these products can easily melt and spoil in the heat, and extreme heat can render them nearly useless.

“I recommend tinctures and flowers as they don’t break down as quickly in high heat.” cannabis educator Emma Chasen to MedMen. If you buy edibles, make sure you keep them in a safe place and only take out what you need during the hotter months.

2. Summer heat can weaken your weed

Just like with edibles, all of your weed needs to be stored properly in these extreme temperatures. Remember to store your weed in a cool, dark place, especially if you consume it infrequently or like to buy in bulk. As we did before reportedSunlight can degrade and weaken the product and heat can introduce moisture and cause mold.

Airtight glass containers like mason jars are great storage containers for your weed because they seal airtight and don’t encourage moisture. Any dark place in your home that is air conditioned is a good place to store your weed during a heat wave.

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The coronavirus will not die out due to the summer weatherPhoto by Ethan Robertson via Unsplash

3. Make the most of marijuana’s “chilling” ability

There are several studies that suggest that marijuana can actually lower your body temperature in some cases. This is certainly a handy side benefit for the braving temperatures in the 90’s and above. As we did before reportedMarijuana can cool your body temperature down, and it’s thought to be because of the way it does it THC interacts with a receptor called TRPA-1.

However, not all weed is the same when it comes to this chilling phenomenon. According to Arizona The flower shop“Swapping out tinctures and edibles for bong rips, dabs, or other methods that heat the product is sure to activate the body’s chilling response faster.” So if you’re hoping for weed to chill your body, make sure you do Do your research to learn more about how it works.

4. Stay hydrated, consider a cannabis cocktail

In recent years, cannabis drinks have experienced an enormous boom. These drinks are both refreshing and highly effective. They often use emulsification technology to infuse weed into their drinks, meaning you’ll feel the effects much quicker than you would with an edible product. This will help you monitor how the THC is making you feel in hot weather.

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Cannabis cocktailPhoto by Stefan Tomic/Getty Images

You can also have fun at home in the air conditioner by mixing up some of your own Cannabis cocktails. This way you can have fun in the kitchen while beating the heat and staying hydrated. Whatever you decide, adding hydration to your cannabis routine is a great way to stay safe during extreme heat.

5. Be careful with your smoking devices

If you’re someone who enjoys vaping, be mindful of where you store your vaporizer during the summer months. Overheating of the device can cause malfunction, leakage and weakening of the product. Keeping it indoors in a cool, dark place, like your other marijuana products, is your best bet.

Also remember that glass can retain heat. If you leave a pipe or bong out in the hot, direct summer sun, it can reach high temperatures. The glass even risks cracking and shattering when dramatically changing in temperature. While it might seem like a great idea to put ice cold water in your bong this summer, do it in a cool place, not while you and your bong are baking in the sun.

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