Growing Cannabis Indoor Or Outdoor: Which Is Better?
For decades there has been an ongoing debate among breeders about the best practices to grow weeds. This has been further driven by the modernization of agricultural equipment and methods, making both indoor and outdoor growing viable options for cannabis growers.
As the two methods are constantly being compared by both casual farmers and commercial farming authorities, it has become more difficult to find the better way.
Therefore, today we are giving you a quick overview of the advantages and disadvantages of both cultivation methods.
Indoor vs. Outdoor Weed Farming: A Brief Overview
When you place them side by side you will see how obvious their differences are, especially when it comes to the different aspects of weed growing.
Indoor farming, for example, has very different lighting conditions than outdoor farming, with the latter enjoying more natural light than the former. The associated costs are also different for each setting, with indoor growing often being more expensive.
This is because you need more controlled environment gear to make sure everything is right. The laws for each state can also affect your location choice when it comes to weed cultivation.
So to the question “which agricultural practice is better” the answer is more like “it depends”. While both methods are excellent options for cannabis growers, choosing which method to choose will primarily depend on the needs and preferences of the grower.
To better understand why this is so, let’s look at the features of each growing method.
Growing cannabis indoors: pros and cons
Indoor cannabis production is often a lucrative option as it can be done in almost any climate. Plus, growing indoors gives you complete control over the growing conditions of your weed – from the environment to the number of hours it has been exposed to light.
Another benefit is that there are fewer risks associated with growing weeds indoors, especially when it comes to pests. In addition, you can reduce the likelihood of infestation with the controlled indoor climate and thus guarantee better yields.
However, this method also has disadvantages, particularly in terms of cost. As mentioned earlier, growing indoors tends to be more expensive than growing outdoors, largely because of the equipment required to do so.
You often have to invest a lot of your resources to make sure you have the necessary equipment to make indoor weed growing possible and successful. You need to be extra careful in choosing which seeds or strains to grow.
You also need to be meticulous about the various aspects of indoor farming as one mistake can lead to more problems with your overall setup. Growing indoors can also mean limited space, which can be a problem for higher and higher yielding strains.
Growing cannabis outdoors: pros and cons
On the other hand, growing marijuana outdoors can be beneficial when you want to minimize your costs or have plenty of space to grow your favorite strains.
Growing outdoors allows you to maximize the available natural resources, especially when it comes to light. Outdoors, you can harness the sun’s energy to further increase your yields, and you no longer have to use indoor grow lights to accomplish this feat.
This not only lowers your device costs, but also significantly lowers your energy costs. The larger outdoor space can also give you enough space to plant as much grass as you want, if that’s legal.
Growing outdoors also tends to be more environmentally friendly than indoor methods, largely because you don’t waste as many resources. However, there are some drawbacks to this. For example, if you live in a more temperate climate, you will depend on the seasons to ensure optimal growing conditions.
There are also pests, which are often numerous outdoors, so you need to invest in proper pest control methods.
Factors to consider when growing cannabis
Ed Rosenthal, a noted authority and pioneer on marijuana legalization and cannabis horticulture, says there is no one-stop approach when it comes to growing cannabis.
There are three main things to consider: climate, costs and quality.
It goes without saying that plants need sunlight to thrive. However, the differences in width and height affect the number of hours of daylight and the length of the growing season. The living environment also plays a role.
Rosenthal explained that it makes more sense to stay indoors if you live in a city or are concerned about your neighbors.
If you live in an area that is less conducive to plant growth, more equipment may be required to set up.
Costs are also to be considered and this could include your assets and property. If you already have the area to plant outdoor weeds, you probably don’t have to spend a lot.
This is compared to the elaborate setups required for indoor planting. In addition, there are many inferior lands that you can buy for this purpose.
On the other hand, while outdoor planting comes with bare soil and sunlight, it also exposes the weeds to natural risks such as aphid infestation. On the flip side, indoor planting costs more but can ultimately reduce the likelihood of a pest problem.
Another important aspect is the quality of your products. While outdoor farms are generally more sustainable, indoor farms offer better surveillance, especially if you prefer to be in control of your variables.
With monitored temperatures, lighting, humidity, and carbon dioxide levels, the weeds tend to produce more flowers. The extract also has a higher THC content.
While indoor-grown weed looks better, many people claim that naturally-grown weed has a distinct, albeit superior, raw taste and effect.
When asked which method is better, indoor or outdoor growing, there doesn’t seem to be a correct answer. It largely depends on your preferences or what is available to you.
Still, both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it depends on which is more suitable for your needs as a cannabis breeder.
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