Greening explained – and what to do when you go green

In addition to having many therapeutic and medicinal uses, weeds are also one of the safest recreational medicines. As with anything, however, too much good can turn into bad. If weed is consumed too much, the chances are some users will experience what stoners refer to as “greening”. This consists of adverse side effects such as dizziness, anxiety, nausea, sweating, as well as increased heart rate and decreased blood pressure.

What is greening?

Have you ever felt bad after smoking a lot of weed? These uncomfortable feelings of dizziness, nausea, anxiety, and sometimes even vomiting are all symptoms of a greening. While you can’t physically overdose and die from using cannabis like you can from other drugs like heroin or cocaine or even alcohol, you could have a bad greening experience if you use too much cannabis. Aside from making you feel sick, there isn’t much harm, immediate or direct, to your body from turning green. However, if you already have health problems, or if you are also using other substances with the weed, consuming too much cannabis can potentially have serious consequences.

What Makes You Go Green?

Since every body reacts differently to cannabis, it is not yet known exactly why some people turn green while others don’t. However, the psychoactive compound THC is known to make you sick when you turn green. THC molecules act on the cannabinoid receptors in the brain; These receptors are naturally (to a lesser extent) activated by the neurotransmitter anandamide, which affects pain, memory, mood, and appetite. However, if these receptors become over-activated from ingesting a large amount of THC, you may feel sick. The side effects of nausea, anxiety, and other ailments are dose-dependent. The higher the dose, the more intense the side effects.


Pesticides, fertilizers and molds can also contribute to greening. However, there are also people who don’t just smoke organic weeds. As a result, there is often a greening of people who are not used to getting tall, or people who consume much more than normal.

Greening in relation to blood sugar levels

Cannabis actually has antiemetic effects that control nausea and make it difficult for your body to throw up. However, as mentioned above, turning green will make you feel nauseous and even vomit. Sounds pretty catchy, doesn’t it?

One possible explanation for nausea after smoking weed is your blood sugar level. When your blood sugar level is not within the target range, all kinds of negative symptoms will appear. When your blood sugar is too low you may feel lightheaded, nauseous, shaky, anxious, sweaty, and other symptoms very similar to those of going green. Many studies have shown that cannabis affects blood sugar levels by regulating insulin activity. Consuming THC has been shown to reduce insulin resistance and allow your body to break down glucose more efficiently.

So, if you already have low blood sugar because you haven’t eaten recently, smoking weed can lower your blood sugar levels even further and cause symptoms of a greening. The next time you feel like you’re going green, try eating sugary foods or simple carbohydrates to get your blood sugar back to normal levels.

Eat sugar before eating cannabis

Mix weeds with alcohol

Often consumed together, weeds and alcohol make a great couple – if you can find the right balance. You are much more likely to turn green if you also drink alcohol with weed. Research found that when you have alcohol in your blood, you absorb THC faster. Even if you smoke, which you think is a normal amount, you will feel stronger effects as your body absorbs the THC faster. Since both alcohol and weeds have sedative effects, it can drastically slow your central nervous system, including your heart rate and breathing.

As I mentioned earlier, cannabis has antiemetic effects that make it harder for you to throw up. Our body makes us vomit to prevent it from being poisoned – e.g. Throw up the alcohol so you don’t get alcohol intoxication. However, if you’ve drank a lot and then smoked weed, you may not be able to vomit properly, which puts you at risk of choking on your puke or getting alcohol poisoning.

Mix weeds with alcohol

If you want to do it, do it right

But do not worry! This doesn’t mean that you can’t combine alcohol with weeds at all. You just have to get it right. You can forget about everything else, but keep that in mind. Grass before beer and you’re in the clear; Beer before weed and you’ll be on your ass. Smoking weed can make you feel more drunk. If you usually feel drunk after 5 shots, it may only take 2-3 to feel just as drunk if you’ve smoked weed too. For this reason, you should smoke before drinking so that you can estimate how much alcohol you need to drink.

Personally, I find that I only need half the drinks I normally drink to get the same effects if I’ve smoked weed before. Not only is smoking before you drink better for your liver since you don’t have to drink as much to feel just as wavy, and it’s also a great way to budget as you spend less money on expensive drinks in the bar .

Dangers to the greenery

No one has ever died directly from cannabis toxicity. A human would need to ingest roughly 40,000 times the amount it takes to get high to die of cannabis. but physically that is almost impossible. However, you could die indirectly from over-sedation that could suppress your breathing if you also take other depressant medications, or from an underlying heart condition that the weeds could make worse.

How to deal with greening

Dealing with greening

to eat and drink

Make sure you eat something and stay hydrated while seshing to prevent it from turning green in the first place. When you experience symptoms of greening, drink some juice to hydrate and restore blood sugar levels. Check out some of these healthy food options to improve your high.

Smoke first

If you plan to consume both alcohol and weeds, smoke first. Smoking weeds can increase the effects of alcohol, so you will likely need much less alcohol than usual to get the same effects. This way, you can consume less of both substances to experience the same or even more effects of each substance.

keep Calm

Another aspect of greening is harmless and mostly psychological anxiety and panic attacks. While there’s no real danger of going green, some people can have difficulty breathing, shivering, and freaking out if they think they’re going to die. In this situation, remember that it will pass and that everything is in your head. It would be very beneficial to have a supportive friend to keep you company and talk to you about it. Once you calm down, the symptoms of a panic attack will go away.

Stay comfortable and safe

When you or your friend go green, it is best to go to a safe and quiet place where you can make yourself comfortable and maybe lie down, listen to music, and just relax. Avoid being in crowds or in noisy places with bright lights so you don’t get overstimulated and panic. If the person is also drunk, make sure they are monitored in case they are unable to breathe properly or choke on their vomit.

Try these remedies …

Try using black peppercorn, milk, THC-free CBD products, or olivetol capsules to help you feel less high.

Remedial measures for remedies

Remember, everything is in your head

The greening is mostly only in your head. When you’re feeling anxious, just remind yourself that nothing really bad is going to happen because it’s just weeds – you won’t overdose or die from it. It will wear off and you will be back to normal in no time so relax and take it off. Next time, know your limits 😉

Relaxation is the best solution

Hopefully, by now you know why you are very uncomfortable with greening and how to deal with it. What was your worst green-out experience? Let us know in the comments and follow us on @cannalifenet to expand your stoner knowledge.

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