Ganja Theories – Are Vampiric Thought Forms Siphoning Your Energy and Life Force?

Sit back, grab a bowl – this one’s going to go way out.

There is a famous NLP metaphor that says “the map is not the territory”. Basically, this means that our interpretation of the world around us, or our “maps,” only function as a representation of the world itself. However, it is not the actual unbiased version of reality, but rather a reality distorted by our personal expectations and assumptions. To put it more simply: “Reality is subjective for the viewer”.

This means you have the ability to “switch maps” and see the world through different lenses. When you do this, you begin to see that “belief” shapes reality in a very subtle but significant way, and when you manage to break away from a belief system and truly experience a “paradigm shift,” it becomes a lot creative energy unleashed. It’s as if the entire universe is shifting before your eyes and interacting with you differently.

Because of this, I often challenge my own belief systems in order to modify and change my personal “map” of reality. To do this, I examine different “ways of thinking” or “theories” about life and the universe. For example, if you believe in some type of deity, you could try “experimenting” with atheism for a period of time.

Of course, faith might be a difficult bridge for many people, but this could work with anything from political affiliations to your favorite sports teams. The point is to challenge your sense of self by engaging in things that seem contrary to your preferences. If you like comedy, watch a drama… if you’re an active outdoor type – try learning to code or an academic activity. Break out your modus operandi, which is what I’m getting at…expand your map!

**Take another hit of cute Cheeba…it’s about to come true! **

I had to preface this stuff so you too can experiment and assume that what I’m about to talk about is as real as any hard scientific knowledge you trust to be true. For the sake of ganja theory – just join in!

I once read this book called The Book of Atem which talks about the existence of “memetic entities”. In essence, the concept explains that memetic entities are thought-forms that live in the minds of multiple people. For example, Superman is a comic book character that has been interpreted in film, television, comic books, mentioned in songs, and so on. Superman has a backstory and a huge impact on pop culture, and if you died tomorrow, Superman would live on in the minds of millions of people.

This “being” now not only exists in the pages of a comic book, but is actually a real being existing in the astral realm. For those who can’t handle the whole “woo woo” – Astral Realm is another term for “Shared Imagination”.

In the context of magic we call these “egregores” and they “feed” on attention. If no one were around to watch the egregor or contemplate its existence – then the egregor would vanish from existence because the only thing that keeps it alive is “awareness” of it.

In the Book of Atem, these memetic entities are not just superhero characters, but can be something less physical and more conceptual, such as “democracy,” “democrat,” and “republican.” These are ideas that many people share, but each individual believes in a different version of the concept. For example, two evangelical Christians might claim to believe in the same God—but if you ask them identical questions about how they view God, you will find that their answers differ significantly, to the point that they are worshiping almost two different ones gods.

The concept that “ideas” are thought forms that exist in this world and have a real impact is shared by various “currents of thought”. For example, in Vadim Zeland’s Reality Transurfing series, these are referred to as “pendulums,” which can alter life events to drain your energy and stay alive.

For example, if you argue with the same people about the same issues, you would be at the mercy of a “pendulum” that creates conflict for you to feed. According to Zeland, the thought-form doesn’t care if you’re “for or against” – it just cares that your attention is on it, so it stays relevant within the astral plane. So if you keep struggling with the same problems over and over again, you may be at the mercy of a paradigm.

Zeland says you can’t fight these pendulums and it really is a waste of time. Finally, fighting the thought-form would mean giving your energy to it. The only way to escape the influence of these egregores is to emotionally detach from them. If Republicans are really pissing you off — indifference to their offenses is the best way to lessen their effectiveness. By reacting emotionally to their jolts, you fall prey to the play of these pendulums, and in turn, waste your precious awareness on things that don’t matter.

The only way you can avoid the influence of these energetic parasites is to decrease the importance of the problems in your life. That doesn’t mean that you don’t take care of your problems – you still need to be diligent and proactive in your life. However, if means that instead of having an emotional response of fear or anxiety, you simply accept the situation as it is and deal with whatever lies ahead.

We often become slaves to concepts. We get “mad” because a celebrity tweeted some bullshit or the government did some other shady shit. Within the concept of what I’m talking about today – all these “tweets” or “government bullshit” are just energetic thought forms that require your energy to stay alive.

If you want to reduce the static in your life – simply become indifferent to your problems and starve the egregors of your precious consciousness.

**Now put this in your pipe and smoke it**

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