Etsy Meets Weed: How Cannabis Art Is Blooming
Is there a section or industry without cannabis influence? It looks like there aren’t any, as cannabis users have shown their creative abilities in various ways throughout history.
In this article, we’re going to talk specifically about one industry where budding artists are on the rise: ART!
Photo by Matthew Henry on Burst
Cannabis users and enthusiasts are some of the most innovative people you will ever meet, and their inspiring artwork has been admired for decades. Most of the works by cannabis enthusiasts have also sparked debates for centuries that date back to the time of William Shakespeare.
Cannabis and the Creative Arts
Research has shown a fantastic connection between cannabis and creativity, a fascinating relationship attributed to the remarkable properties of the plant. Cannabis interacts with the human brain through the endocannabinoid system and the receptors in the brain.
Extensive research shows that the creative skills and imagination increase when using cannabis, thus enabling different and different thought patterns. Hence, great men and women like Maya Angelou and Louis Armstrong celebrated the influence of cannabis on their creative careers.
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A more significant percentage of the creative industry is also full of trailblazers who have confirmed that cannabis has a significant impact on their success. For such artists, marijuana inspires the way they improve their craft and present their ideas.
Despite this artistic brilliance, some artists struggle to find a place to showcase their work. Why is that? Why can’t artists showcase their cannabis-inspired art?
The problem with finding a market showcase
Although there is an available and thriving market for cannabis art, most e-commerce websites and platforms prohibit artists from selling art depicting cannabis. Some of these vendors also label items like CBD paraphernalia and insist that such things cannot be sold.
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With such restrictions, creative artists do not get sufficient space to share their creations with the world. Artists feel left out of the market, and then COVID-19 happened.
The coronavirus pandemic made it worse for cannabis artists and companies to keep their businesses going, creating a worrying niche in the market.
The solution: a marketplace for cannabis
As the challenge got worse, two outspoken cannabis advocates started an online marketplace called The Artsy Leaf. Space was set up as a multi-vendor marketplace to allow artists to present their work.
Co-founders Abbey Weintraub Sklar and Rebecca Goldberg noted that there were many international craftsmen and women whose products were not shared on any platform. The artists’ products are unique cannabis-friendly products that were largely scattered on censored technology platforms that restricted their visibility to the world.
Goldberg and Skylar recognized the importance of an online supplier market created for developers and buyers in the cannabis industry. COVID-19 and the resulting effects were also the inspiration for an online section.
Originally supposed to be a face-to-face CBD marketplace, the pandemic made physical meetings for buying and selling impossible. For this reason, the co-founders turned it into an online area with a highly functional website.
The artistic sheet
The Artsy Leaf marketplace replaces other online platforms that were too restrictive for the cannabis industry. Some of these unfriendly websites didn’t have a place to tag, describe, and list CBD products, making it difficult for artists to promote their products.
However, with the Artsy Leaf marketplace, sellers and small business owners have maximum freedom to promote their cannabis items. The platform also includes advertising with SEO advice and does not hide their processing fees.
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The co-founders claim their desire to make all cannabis sellers succeed is what drives the market. The website was launched with 14 vendors initially, and due to its workable operational approach, other vendors are expected to join this revolutionary idea.
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A virtual cannabis marketplace is what the world needs right now to bridge the gap between artists and buyers. Cannabis-inspired pieces always remain relevant around the world as they can be unique and disruptive. The Artsy Leaf is the right place to incubate ideas, purchases and exchanges of value.
The future of the online marketplace
The future of the online cannabis marketplace for artists looks bright, and why is it so important? Well, cannabis is gaining momentum in America as more states legalize marijuana and give more people access to weed. When they do, they may be inspired to create unique pieces of art or to purchase unique, cannabis-inspired works.
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Either way, the cannabis world needs a way for artists to share their work, and this is where platforms like the Artsy Leaf become crucial. Other online platforms may be trying to adjust their policies regarding this issue as this sector is about to explode.
It’s time to change the current status quo on the other ecommerce sites so cannabis artists don’t get to flaunt their genius.
Bottom line
The world is awakening to the ever-growing potential of cannabis. Through marketplaces like the Artsy Leaf, cannabis artists and art lovers can meet, interact and support the cannabis industry.
Without such platforms, cannabis-inspired art will gradually decline, and that’s not good for the cannabis industry at all. We all need to continue to promote the creation of platforms (online and offline) for artists to thrive on. Aspiring cannabis artists need more places to express themselves, and the Artsy Leaf is a suitable platform.
If you’re a cannabis-themed artist, aspiring artist, or small business owner and you’re struggling to promote your work, you can visit The Artsy Leaf. If you’re not an artist but are looking for a place to share your ideas and chat with like-minded cannabis enthusiasts, Cannabis.net is for you.
This article originally appeared on Cannabis.net and was republished with permission.
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