Do Niacin, Vinegar, or Cranberry Clean Your Weed System?
These home methods are old, but not smart
If you need to figure out how to pass a drug test soon, you may be desperate for easy home solutions. Unfortunately, you can get some really bad advice from strangers on the internet. The most popular DIY drug detox methods are not particularly effective, and some of them are downright dangerous. They mostly predate more sophisticated modern drug tests, especially if you have your hair or blood tested instead of your urine.
Drug testing can put your livelihood at risk, and difficult situations can motivate you to make some ill-advised decisions – especially if that test comes too soon for you to naturally detoxify. You don’t always have 30 to 60 days to flush cannabis out of your system. If you are a medical patient, abstaining may not always be an option.
Fortunately, test-passing technology has evolved with the tests themselves. Companies like PassYourTest.com have developed proven hair, urine and blood test solutions developed by actual scientists. You can’t say the same about an old trick you heard about from your cousin’s girlfriend’s father who may have used it to pass a test in the 1980s.
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Here is an overview of popular home remedies and their risks. We couldn’t find convincing evidence that any of these methods worked to pass a drug test. If passing is really important to you, would you like to take this chance?
Turmeric herb
Goldenseal is a popular way to pass a drug test, but there’s little evidence that it works. It takes a while to set and side effects can occur. Plus, it’s expensive – and you never know how much goldenseal you will actually get in a standard supplement, especially since it is often swapped out for other herbs.
Apple Cider Vinegar
One of the theories here is that apple cider vinegar, often diluted as a health tonic by natural wellness enthusiasts, improves your metabolism and moves THC through your system faster. Others think that consuming acidic beverages like vinegar can flush your system faster.
But the truth is, we don’t even know if it will boost your metabolism at all, and it certainly won’t help you get anything out of your system in time for a test. Some have used apple cider vinegar to try and pass hair tests, but usually in conjunction with other methods – it certainly won’t work on its own. Risky endeavor when you need to be sure you will pass your test.
Cranberry juice
It is possible that cranberry juice could affect your bladder and urine, but that doesn’t mean getting rid of THC stored in fat cells – and it certainly won’t do it quickly. While this might be a tempting option as it is cheap and easy to get from the store, it is highly unlikely that you will do the trick if you want to pass your test.
Baking soda
Baking soda seems harmless – but when taken in high doses, it can send you to the hospital with anything from an electrolyte imbalance to a hole in your stomach. Putting it in your hair is less dangerous, but not more effective.
Like baking soda, niacin can be dangerous if taken aggressively to pass a drug test. The side effects range from a nasty rash to liver failure. In addition, it won’t reliably help you with a drug test. Unreliable and dangerous is the opposite of what you are looking for if you want to safely and successfully pass your test.
for sure
Using Certo or pectin to pass a drug test is not only uncomfortable – like most of these home remedies, there is no actual evidence that it works. If your test is important to you, why take this chance?
This one shouldn’t need much explanation as to why it’s a bad idea. Drinking bleach can literally kill you. Even if you add the bleach to your urine after it leaves your body, it clearly contains bleach. The best scenario here is that you will have to run the test again. Worst scenario is that you will be caught red-handed trying to cheat your drug test. There isn’t a lot of plausible denial with bleach.
Cucumber juice
Like apple cider vinegar, cucumber juice is very acidic – and it sure does feel like it’s clearing something up. Unfortunately, there is little evidence that passing a drug test can help you.
Diluted piss
Whether you drink a ton of water or mix it in your piss after it leaves your body, remember that drug testers check that the sample they get is actually urine. While this method can dilute markers of drug use, it can also dilute the ordinary chemical markers of clean pee.
Check out the Leafly Review of Nutra Cleanse’s 5 Day Detox Kit
Trusted for a reason
These solutions to an upcoming home drug test have one thing in common: there is no real evidence that they will work, and none of them work for any type of test. If you are serious enough about passing your test to find remedial action online, are you sure you want to roll the dice with one of these flawed methods?
PassYourTest.com kits are safe and effective when used correctly, as they are backed by current research. They’re tailored to the specific test you’re taking: there’s even a shampoo for the dreaded hair test.
If you’re not sure which detox solution is best for you, use the detox calculator on PassYourTest.com. You will then be directed to the right detox solution for your situation.
THC detox kits or detox drinks: which solution suits you?
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