DIY fertilizer secrets that will take your marijuana plants to the next level

When it comes to growing, any cannabis breeder can agree that there is a win in finding low-tech, cheap, and effective ways to increase the production of your plants!

If you can do it at home – even better!

What if there was a way to make organic-natural fertilizers in your home without adding nutrients like potassium, nitrogen, and magnesium? What if you just had to add a few healthy habits to your weekly routine to make this happen?

Fortunately there is a way!

In this article, I’ll be going over some very simple DIY methods that you can use to add macronutrients to your plants that are essentially “free”. I’ll cover three specific recipes that the home cultivator can use.

One recipe is designed for the vegetative phase while the other two are mainly used during the flowering phase.

“Ricing” the bar when weeds grow!

The first trick we’ll look at is rice water. Yes, you heard that right – RICE WATER!

But how do you make rice water, you may be wondering?

Well – it turns out that if you’ve ever made rice at home and washed the rice in water before actually cooking it – you know, to wash off the starches and what not – the milky white water that is left … you guessed it – RICE WATER!

In most cases this water is disposed of as “waste”, but did you know that rice water is filled with micro and macro nutrients and is perfect as a vegetative “fertilizer”? It contains iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, nitrogen, other minerals, and probiotics.

This water is not only good for you but also for your plants and acts as a natural insecticide as well.

It stones two birds at the same time! – Ricky (Trailer Park Boys)

You can use rice water daily when watering your plants. It is recommended to use in the late afternoon just before dark. This is when the nutrients have time to get to the roots.

Additionally, you can use a nebulizer to spray some rice water onto the actual leaf of the plant. Your plants will love it! You will see fewer pests and greener, more robust growth.

You can use all of this throughout the vegetative state and sparingly during the flowering phase.

It’s flowering time – let’s go bananas!

The next DIY trick is making “banana tea” to fertilize the plant during the flowering cycle. As you may know, bananas are high in potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, copper, manganese, etc.

During the flowering cycle, cannabis plants need a higher concentration of potassium and magnesium in order to produce robust buds. This is where banana tea comes in.

To make banana tea, you must first consume 4 bananas so you can have the peels. Make a smoothie, eat it in a banana split – or sniff it like a chimpanzee!

Take the 4 banana peels and toss them in a saucepan with 1 liter of water. Then boil for 15 minutes and strain the liquid. Wait for it to cool, then dilute it with 3 liters of water. Use this final concoction to water your plants.

Your plants will love it!

This tea promotes healthier, “stankier”, and bushier buds. If you’re having trouble getting your nugs on “NUG-OUT!” – This trick definitely adds some girth to your buds.

However, this isn’t the only concoction you’ll want to use during the flowering cycle. There is a secret weapon that can help you not only protect your plants but also with cloning.

It’s a juicy process to say the least …

The last trick up our sleeves is the presence of aloe vera. Aloe Vera is a grower’s secret weapon. Not only can it be used to increase phytonutrient absorption, but it also works as an insecticide.

More importantly, aloe vera is an incredibly easy succulent plant to grow. New “shoots” often appear, which means that over the course of 2-3 years you can have many of these extremely useful cacti in your home – and help you and your plants!

But how do you use aloe effectively to grow killer buds?

The first recipe uses it as a topical spray. To do this, take 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel from a fresh cut of aloe and mix it in 4.5 liters of water. Pour the mixture into a nebulizer and spray liberally over the plants.

This increases the absorption of nutrients by the leaf by the plants, increases the biodiversity of the plants compared to other plants in the vicinity, and supports the release of various sugars with greater efficiency.

This attracts beneficial microorganisms like mycorrhiza that increase the bioavailability of nutrients in the plant.

Not to mention…

Aloe vera also contains compounds that can protect the plant from fungi, bacteria, and even viruses. It helps prevent mold and other fungal growths that are harmful to the plant from forming.

It also helps revitalize the soil with sapopin – which is also toxic to certain insects and helps prevent disease.

Aloe vera can help put down roots too!

I’ve written about this before, but to make this a complete article I’ll be adding a brief version of this process here as well.

Aloe vera can be used as a root hormone and is incredibly easy to peel off. All you really need is about 55 grams of fresh aloe vera, which you mix with 4.5 liters of water. To this mixture add 1 teaspoon of potassium silicate.

Just dip the root of the cut into the mixture and plant it in a starter cap. You can also use some aloe vera spray to keep the cutting alive and get extra nutrients to help formulate new roots.

Bottom line

You will notice healthier plants and bushier buds with these low-tech solutions that you can make at home. You also start to see how smelly these plants get with all the extra terpene production.

When you’ve harvested 1 to 2 ounces per plant, these techniques will nearly double production.

Obviously, this is for soil growing – this is the low tech way of growing weeds.

Are you ready to grow wet nugs this year? Try this and you can thank me later!







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