Dentists are worried about patients turning up high

A survey found that more than half of dentists (52%) confirmed that their patients come for check-ups while high on cannabis or other drugs. Based on these findings, the American Dental Association (ADA) advised patients to avoid marijuana use before dental appointments.

“As I look at their medical histories, more and more patients are telling me that they use marijuana regularly because it is now legal,” says ADA spokeswoman Dr. Tricia Quartey, dentist in New York. “Unfortunately, the presence of marijuana in the body sometimes results in the need for an additional visit.”

Photo by Cedric Fauntleroy via Pexels

Why it’s not advisable to get high at the dentist

The ADA noted that marijuana exposure to dentists can limit the care they provide. The survey found that 56% of dentists confirmed limiting treatment to stoned patients.

Up to 46% of dentists surveyed said they had to increase anesthesia when treating patients who had consumed cannabis because of the effects it and anesthesia have on our central nervous system.

These results were released earlier this year in two online surveys – one of 557 dentists and a second nationally representative survey of 1,006 consumers.

RELATED: How Smoking Marijuana Affects Oral Health

“Marijuana can cause increased anxiety, paranoia and hyperactivity, which could make the visit more stressful. It can also increase heart rate and have adverse respiratory side effects, increasing the risk of using local anesthetics for pain control,” Quartey said. “In addition, the best treatment options are always those that the dentist and patient decide together. A clear head is essential for this.”

Marijuana and Oral Health

Previous studies have confirmed that regular cannabis users have significantly more tooth decay than non-users. Why?

Interestingly, but somewhat expected, cannabis is not the direct, but rather an indirect cause of tooth decay.

“The active ingredient in marijuana, THC, makes you hungry and people don’t always make healthy diets under its influence,” Quartey said. “From a medical perspective, food cravings are real.”

dentistPhoto by Caroline LM via Unsplash

However, marijuana per se is not completely harmless to our oral health. “Smoking marijuana has been linked to gum disease and dry mouth, which can lead to many oral health problems,” Quartey noted. “Smokers also have an increased risk of mouth and throat cancer.”

RELATED: How men and women use cannabis, according to new survey

The ADA continues to push for more research on cannabis and oral health, but also recommends that dentists discuss cannabis use while reviewing their patients’ medical histories.

And patients who love cannabis? Well, you can still maintain your oral health with a disciplined daily hygiene routine that consists of brushing twice daily, flossing, regular dental visits, and a healthy diet. As simple as that!

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