Delta-8 THC suffers from improper labeling – misnomer or mismanagement?
By Nina Zdinjak
Delta 8 THC is back in the spotlight – this time due to growing allegations that it’s mislabelling by the companies that sell it.
While mislabeling of products is nothing new and happens either accidentally or deliberately in likely almost all industries, the cannabis and hemp industries have been studied so closely that they could be wrongly viewed as recidivists. Although CBD products had the most labeling errors, they appear to be losing their place on the Delta-8 throne.
Photo by Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images
CBD Oracle, which reviews hemp-derived products like CBD and Delta-8, recently sent 51 different Delta-8 products to FESA Labs, a licensed testing center in Santa Ana, California, to check potency and other metrics On the label match what is actually contained in the products, Forbes reported.
But first, let’s look back: what is Delta 8 THC?
Delta-8 is a chemical component in the cannabis plant and although it occurs naturally in low concentrations, it can have mild psychoactive effects in some people.
The new industrial methods are allowing the conversion of delta-8-THC from hemp-derived CBD, which can also be some problems, but that’s another story.
FESA Labs results – 75% mislabeled
Tests have shown that more than 75% of Delta 8 THC products had inaccurate markings and 77% contained less Delta-8 than marked. For example, Bionid’s Blue Dream concentrate only had a third of the advertised amount of Delta-8 THC.
Additionally, 76% had more than 0.3% Delta-9-THC, making sales at gas stations and smokers illegal under federal law.
RELATED: Report: CBD Content On Labels Is Different From Levels Found In Actual Products
“The problem for a lot of the Delta 8 companies, based on our testing, is that customers probably shouldn’t trust the labels,” said Jayneil Kamdar, a chemist from FESA Labs who performed the tests.
CBD Oracle claims that manufacturers of Delta-8-THC products often inaccurately label their vape cartridges and other products.
Fake lab results could make Delta 8 federally illegal
Are companies fair invent the numbers they write on the labels? This is possible, as the study shows. In any case, it could end badly for both consumers and businesses responsible for mislabeling, not to mention federal regulators have more reasons to make Delta 8 illegal.
Some states, like Texas, have in some ways already done so, and New York will be discussing the Delta 8 ban at its upcoming meeting of the Cannabis Control Board.
RELATED: FDA Warns Consumers Of Risks Associated With Delta-8 THC Products
The mislabeling trend doesn’t end with CBD, as cannabis technology company GemmaCert revealed in March: Around 45% of cannabis products worldwide are mislabelled with higher than actual THC content.
Buyers beware.
This article originally appeared on Benzinga and was republished with permission.
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