CBD is safe even if you’ve tried to overdose, says new study
New research suggests that CBD is safe even in high doses – high doses are more effective than low doses
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a therapeutic compound found in marijuana that’s found in almost everything these days.
From capsules to oils, tinctures, topicals, edibles, beverages, and everything in between, it’s become easier than ever to deliver medication when and how we need it. However, there are people who need to consume higher than normal amounts of CBD to find relief. Some conditions like debilitating anxiety, PTSD, addiction treatment, and pain require highly potent medications, including CBD, at least for patients beginning their healing journey.
But consuming large amounts of opioid medications, antidepressants, and other drugs is notoriously dangerous. There is always a risk of overdose or fatal addiction to your medication.
Does this also apply to cannabidiol?
New research from scientists at the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics at the University of Sydney has found that CBD is safe, even in very high doses. They reviewed the existing literature to determine the safety and effectiveness of oral CBD products when consumed up to 400 mg per day. Specifically, for the study, they analyzed 29 double-blind and placebo-controlled studies, as well as 6 open-label research studies that evaluated low doses of CBD. They found CBD to be exceptionally safe and identified only “few concerns” even when patients took up to 6,000mg, sometimes the equivalent of multiple 1,500mg doses — which was 15 times the highest dose set for it the studies.
The study authors also discuss that Epidiolex, which is prescribed by the NHS for rare epilepsy, is typically dosed at around 3,000mg per day for adults weighing 62kg and over. This is because Epidiolex dosage is based on body weight.
“The current review found few safety concerns in the 45 studies analyzed. Where side effects have been reported, they have tended to be minor, and often in studies that lacked a placebo control and therefore could not be positively attributed to CBD itself,” they said. “None of the included studies reported few adverse events, even in the 300-400 mg dose range, where efficacy was most frequently reported,” they added.
It was also interesting that they discovered how CBD was more effective at doses of 400mg and up. On the contrary, there was little evidence of the effectiveness of CBD below 400 mg, suggesting that this is not one of those drugs that you might have success microdosing with. Additionally, the review focused on 5 specific conditions that CBD was known to be effective in treating: anxiety, addiction-related disorders, chronic pain, and insomnia. For anxiety, 300–400 mg of CBD was most effective, although these studies were conducted on otherwise healthy participants.
The study authors urgently call for more high-quality studies evaluating the effectiveness of low oral doses of CBD. “The currently sparse evidence base for low doses of CBD may be enhanced by future clinical trials that better validate efficacy at this dose range,” they concluded. “Current evidence suggests that CBD at doses of 300-400 mg shows promise, particularly as an anxiolytic and anti-addiction agent, and larger randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies are needed to substantiate these data,” they added added.
Meanwhile, an older study from 2017 found that CBD is well tolerated in doses of up to 1,500 mg per day. Most CBD oil formulations are made in doses ranging from 300 to 1,500 mg.
What is the lethal dose of CBD?
All substances and medicines known to man have a toxic dose. This means that scientists have been able to determine how much of a drug increases the likelihood of a fatal overdose causing toxic symptoms of intoxication in the human body.
Surprisingly, the toxic dose is said to be around 20,000 mg of CBD. But even then, CBD is not deadly. According to the World Health Organization, even in extremely high doses, CBD will likely make you lazy and tired and cause other unpleasant side effects, including diarrhea and nausea, but not death. The World Health Organization also notes that CBD is one of the few substances we know of that does not have major side effects and is not associated with the risk of addiction.
Note that this is not an encouragement to mess around with the toxic dose of CBD.
However, there is good news for people who have been hesitant to treat with high levels of CBD because they have a condition that requires it.
word of caution
CBD products on the market are not created equal. When they’re not derived from the hemp plant, they can contain higher levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the substance that can get you high. Some individuals are much more sensitive to the effects of THC, so accidental ingestion of some may not be comfortable for others.
It’s always best to buy from reputable manufacturers, even though you can access a wide range of CBD products online and at your local pharmacy. Always do your own research, but ask for a Certificate of Analysis or COA to be safe. This document is created by an external testing laboratory that verifies the accuracy of the components of the CBD product you are consuming.
Now we know that CBD is actually safe to consume and treat, even in high doses. Cannabis has never killed anyone, unlike alcohol, tobacco, and other pharmaceutical drugs, especially opioids. We finally have a safe, all-natural medicine that can improve our overall well-being.
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