Caring for your glass bongs
If you have your own space, it can seem appealing to leave the pipes, bongs, and swabs where they were last used. I feel like this most of the time, especially after a few cracks.
I remember living with friends and we all had a bong on the floor of our bedroom or on the desk. There was often a pipe in the kitchen and there were some smoking options on our coffee table, including at least a water pipe.
On a given day it would be enough, even if several friends came over, they could all smoke from a different steam, bong, pipe, or rig.
This can be fun and is a way to show off your glass and other parts without bragging about it. It’s fun, but it can cause problems: Some of my favorite items have been misplaced, knocked off a table, and broken by unfamiliar guests. Eventually it started to drive me crazy. In retrospect, that’s probably why I never invested in beautiful pieces back then. I often bought cheaper pieces of glass or opted for silicone on bamboo or metal alternatives because unconsciously I knew there was a good chance that if I bought a nice glass it would likely be damaged.
When I finally moved to my own place, I made a conscious decision that I would take care of my pieces and decided that I didn’t want to spread my tobacco items on every surface of the house. I have a dog too, so keeping a bong on a coffee table or in the center of the room when its waving history inevitably blows it up is a disaster.
Still, I didn’t want to keep everything in a closet. I like the few goto pieces that I use the most to be on hand right away. That’s why I’ve really given thought to how to keep my items safe without compromising the accessibility I want. In this article, I’m going to share some tips on how to protect your glass without sacrificing too much convenience.
Photo credit: healthline.com
Keep glass out of the way if you have an active household
That sounds like child’s play. If you live in an active household, be it friends, roommates, or, like me, an exciting pet running around, it’s always safe to keep anything that is easily broken.
This means that you need to find a storage solution for all glass. The simplest option is a display or storage cabinet if money and space permit, but a large padded case, footwell, or something similar is perfectly fine.
Instead of one dedicated space, several smaller storage rooms around the house may suit you best.
I like to use both strategies. As my glass collection has grown, it’s not easy to keep everything in one place.
Try some of these strategies to keep your more delicate items safe.
A dedicated storage space
In general, I want to have more dedicated space for all of the items that I don’t use very often.
In this larger storage room I have a couple of large bongs that I only bring out on special occasions. There are a few other older pieces that I don’t use often but can’t get them to throw away or give away. Then there are a couple of spare storage jars, a handful of old bowls, nails, and swab tools, plus some gasoline for my lighter and other bits and pieces I’ve accumulated over the years.
For me, this storage space takes the form of a nice closet in the corner of my living room.
But I am sure that you can find a safe, secluded place in your home.
Whether it’s a closet, cupboard, or trunk, they all work.
Whatever you choose, make sure that your parts are not knocked or bumped, as haphazard clustering of all the parts will result in disaster.
With this in mind, it may be useful to keep bubble wrap or boxes that may shrink more delicate parts.
You need to think about how to organize the area and get access to each piece without disturbing the others.
In other words, if you were to place all of the small pipes in one area, could you grab a pipe from behind without touching or knocking over any of the pipes in the front? Or would you have to remove everything to get that one tube from the back that you want to use?
Try to organize your storage space so that each part can be easily removed for use.
I find the easiest way to do this is to sort my glass in order of its size. The smaller and shortest pieces are in the front, while the larger, larger bongs are in the back.
My bongs all have a wide base, so they’re not top heavy. However, if you have any parts, try protecting them in a towel or bubble wrap and laying them on their side.
You have to decide which one is best for your space, but I like to keep my pieces in groups. All of the nails and shells are wrapped and laid out near the front, with spoons and pipes behind them. Then I have the bongs and the swab rigs in a row at the back. Spare containers, gas for my lighter, swab tools, and the like are on the other side. Before that I have a basket with some spare cartridges and little things.
This way I can reach every piece without disturbing too much.
When you group your collection, you know where everything is at a glance and keep everything accessible.
Photo credit: www.the-bong-shop.business.site
Keep parts within easy reach for everyday use.
I am sure you will agree that for everyday use it is an inconvenience to keep it in the closet and take it in and out every day.
My current daily go-to-bong is a reasonable size but has a large cup-style base. It is not likely to fall over on its own. However, I can’t leave it on the coffee table. But I found an excellent way to keep it safe and easily accessible. I have a side table that is closed at the bottom except for one side and my bong sits perfectly under it. That way, it stays safe from wagging dog tails and I can grab it while sitting on the sofa.
These other everyday objects like my pipe and my vapes are hidden under my coffee table on a train. Easily accessible yet remote. I also keep my screens, tablet, and papers there.
If you’re holding some glass in one gulp, make sure it can’t rattle around and knock against something else. Also, make sure these drawers are tidy.
If you don’t have drawers, you can always use the same idea of putting towels in a small basket and storing the tubes that you will be using there. Storing your glassware will make your glass safer and prevent the house from cluttering without sacrificing the convenience you want!
For your favorite pieces
For your favorite or most expensive items, I recommend that you take extra precautions. I keep my favorite pieces away from the rest of the glassware where nothing can fall over or accidentally hit them.
I have dedicated the top shelf of my closet to these pieces so that they take up an excellent space and are still safely protected from danger.
A dedicated display case is probably the safest option, but it won’t always be cheap. Because of the different sizes and shapes of the pieces of glass, it can be difficult to find a showcase that will fit all of your unique pieces. So sometimes you have to improvise.
As long as you can keep it in something with a tough exterior and where it won’t accidentally bumped, it should be safe.
However, if you are ready to take the challenge and are comfortable with tools, you can make a custom case or display case for a reasonable price! It could also be the ideal project to keep you busy during these troubled times.
Keeping and organizing your water pipes and other utensils will last longer and make it easier to find the parts you want when you need them! Hopefully, here are some ideas on how to manage and maintain your collection. If you enjoyed this article, you might also be interested in our article on how to keep your weeds fresh.
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