Cannacurio: Leaderboard for pharmacies and retailers (November 2020 update)
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Since our last update in late summer, pharmacies and retailers have continued to hit the market since Jan 1st, adding 1,422 new licenses. These licenses represent an increase of 20% compared to 6,927 at the beginning of the year. 26 states have added at least one active license this year, while Oklahoma retains the lead of 501 of the 1,422 (35%).
Main results
- Oklahoma leads with 501 new licenses
- Michigan ranks second with 281 new licenses – an increase of 124% since Jan. 1
- Oregon is third at 91, California at 90
Below we have shown four countries that have seen strong growth this year. If we look at it visually, we can see that Michigan is adding faster than any other major state. Oklahoma is graphed on the right axis for scaling purposes.
One final snapshot we’d like to share is which states added a high percentage of their licenses in 2020. There are both small and large market states, including medical-only states and states with recreational programs. Some may have hit their cap while others will keep adding.
The 2020 elections play an important role in what we will see of the states that have just voted for new and expanded programs. Early press reports suggest that Mississippi and New Jersey have no license caps. Arizona is another story where existing licensees come first for new adult licenses. Look for a year-end recap that shows how the leaderboards were completed in different license categories.
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