Cannacurio: Leaderboard for pharmacies and retailers (July 2020 update)

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New pharmacies and retailers will continue to hit the market through July 2020. So far this year we’ve tracked 781. These licenses represent an increase of 11% compared to 6,927 at the beginning of the year. 21 states added at least one active license this year. Oklahoma continues to hold the lead, accounting for 261 of the 781 (33%).

Main results

  • Oklahoma leads again with 261 new licenses
  • Michigan ranked second with 182 new licenses – an 80% increase since Jan. 1
  • California ranks third with 70 new licenses

Michigan continues to issue licenses to a healthy clip. They made up 40 of the 93 (43%) issued nationwide in July.

Michigan Dispensary / Retailer Licenses Added 2020


With certification as a Must-Have, cannabis retailers and dispensers continue to thrive. The table above shows that six of the states (Oklahoma, Michigan, California, Florida, Massachusetts, and Illinois) added new stores in their states every month this year. Even mature markets like Oregon, Colorado, and Washington have brought new licenses online. It will be interesting to see what types of licensing systems are developed when new states pass referendums in November – will they go for Oklahama’s Free-for-All or Rhode Islands $ 500,000 per licensing model?

Cannabiz Media customers can stay up to date on these and other new licenses through our newsletter, alert and reporting modules. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive these weekly reports in your inbox. You can also schedule a demo for more information on how to access the Cannabiz Media License Database yourself to delve further into this data.

Cannacurio is a weekly column from Cannabiz Media that offers insights into the most comprehensive license data platform. Check out Cannacurio posts and podcasts for the latest updates and information.

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