Cannacurio # 42: Cannabis Dispensary & Retailer Leaderboard February 2021

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So far this year, 14 states have added a total of 276 new pharmacies / retailers. The biggest contributor was neither California nor Oklahoma – it was Arizona. Read on for more details.

Main results

  • 14 states have added 276 licenses so far this year.
  • Arizona added 110 adult licenses and gave them to existing medical license holders.
  • Michigan took second place in the rankings with 50 new licenses.

The big surprise this year was the decline in licenses in Oklahoma due to non-renewals. So far this year no new licenses have been issued to replenish the non-renewals. We have long suspected that an adjustment is imminent because the population cannot support more than 2,000 businesses.

‍Marijuana Business Daily recently had a great article (citing our data) with insights from a local licensee who said, “You need to fill this store with products, pay rent or mortgage, hire staff. Add in the tremendous competition and it’s tough business to be in. ”

Despite everything, Oklahoma still has almost twice as many licenses as Colorado:


The year is still early and we still believe 2021 promises another year of license growth in some markets. Arizona has issued 102 new retail licenses to existing pharmacy license holders, while West Virginia has released its list of 100 approved pharmacies. Georgia and Rhode Island are expected to be issuing licenses soon, and Illinois has been scrutinizing its next licensing round for some time. We will keep you updated about Cannacurios in the future.

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Cannacurio is a weekly column from Cannabiz Media that offers insights into the most comprehensive license data platform.

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