Cannabis and Orgasm Inequality – Solving the Dry Partner Phenomenon You Never Knew About!

Cannabis orgasm men vs. women

Cannabis and Orgasm Inequality – The Problem You Didn’t Know Existed!

A recent article in Marijuana Moment drew my attention to the issue of “orgasmic inequality.” It included a study led by Amanda Moser of East Carolina University and published in the Journal of Cannabis Research.

The Denver-based sexologist surveyed 811 adults who had used cannabis and found that greater perceived sexual function and satisfaction can be achieved regardless of age or gender.

It appears that cannabis is a true aphrodisiac, with over 70% of participants reporting increased desire and improved orgasms when using cannabis before sex. And for those who prefer solo play, cannabis also increases pleasure, with 62.5% of participants reporting increased pleasure while masturbating.

But the results of the study are particularly relevant to women’s pleasure. The results “suggest that cannabis may have the potential to close the orgasm inequality gap,” the authors write, citing previous findings that women who have sex with men are typically less likely to achieve orgasm than their partners.

So, ladies and gentlemen, next time you’re looking to spice things up in the bedroom, you might want to reach for some cannabis.

Orgasm inequality refers to the different likelihood of men and women experiencing orgasm during sexual activity.

Studies have shown that men are more likely to orgasm during intercourse than women. Of course, we don’t really need studies to prove that men cum faster. Often referred to as the “orgasm gap,” this phenomenon can be attributed to a variety of factors, including societal and cultural influences, lack of education and communication about sexual desire, and biological differences between men and women.

Here are a few more reasons why women don’t come as often as men:

  • Lack of Communication: One of the most common reasons why women don’t experience orgasm during sex is a lack of communication between partners. This could include not knowing what feels good for the woman, not understanding her sexual preferences, or not feeling comfortable expressing those desires.

  • Physical Factors: Certain physical factors can also play a role in preventing women from having an orgasm during sex. This can include painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, or other health conditions like vaginismus, which causes spasms of the vaginal muscles that can make intercourse uncomfortable or impossible.

  • Psychological Factors: Psychological factors can also play a role in preventing women from experiencing orgasm during sex. This may include stress, anxiety, or past experiences that have negatively impacted the woman’s sexuality. Additionally, women with low self-esteem or body image issues may have trouble reaching orgasm.

However, I believe the main reason is that their partners don’t know how to please them. That’s because most men are desperate to “get out” and get on with their lives. Especially in a world of one night stands.

But if you “know what you’re doing” and understand how to touch your partner, you can actually make women cum faster than men. In fact, you can give a woman multiple orgasms before even inserting your member into her cave of passion. Not to mention that some women can even experience an orgasm through a story…literally, you could tell them how you’re going to make them cum and they can do the rest.

However, most men are not considered to be such respected lovers, but it seems that cannabis has the ability to fill that gap. But how exactly can a botanical help close this gap? The answer lies in a combination of factors working together to create a more satisfying sexual experience for all involved.

First, cannabis has a reputation for making people less confident and more relaxed. For women, this can mean feeling less inhibited and more comfortable expressing their desires. For men, it can mean becoming more attuned to their partner’s needs and responding accordingly.

Second, cannabis is known to enhance the senses, specifically taste, touch, and smell. This can result in a more intense and pleasurable sexual experience as the body is able to fully engage with the sensation of touch and the other person’s presence.

Third, cannabis has been shown to help people get in tune with their partners, both physically and mentally. This can lead to a deeper connection and understanding, as well as a more satisfying sexual experience for both parties.

So, next time you’re looking to spice up your sex life, you might want to reach for some greens. With its ability to make us less self-conscious, more attuned to our partners, and more in tune with our own bodies, cannabis may hold the key to closing the orgasm gap once and for all.

So get stoned and boned!




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