Biden Admin Expands War On Drugs – Latest Cannabis News Today

The Biden government wants to ban menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars. The latter means no more blunts. They claim this will “save lives”. They put together data and models to confidently say nearly a million smokers will quit because of this. Of course, anyone who pays attention to the COVID models has the right to be skeptical of this claim.

Of the nearly one million Americans expected to quit within the first year of the ban, a quarter are black. Democrats in Congress support the ban, arguing they have a “duty” to ban menthols in order to protect children. (Won’t someone please think of the children?)

But like everything the government does, there are unintended consequences.

It is a policy of politicians to examine the effects on one group in the short term rather than on all groups in the long term. According to the FDA, an estimated 20 million Americans smoke menthol cigarettes. Is the Biden government okay with sending these Americans into the underground market?

It wasn’t long ago that a black man was suffocated for selling contraband cigarettes. So I have to ask – what does Joe Biden smoke? Even the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which has become a mere shadow of its former selves, has expressed concern about the ban. They fear that criminal sanctions would “hit people with skin color disproportionately”.

The FDA disagrees. Claims individual users are not affected. The ban will “only appeal to manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, importers and retailers,” the FDA said. But how does that make sense?

This is a statement that only a serious-faced bureaucrat can make.

If Americans are banned from making menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars, how will that not affect the individual consumer? How can they consume something that is illegal to make?

Black adults smoke more menthol cigarettes than any other ethnic group, according to the CDC. Xavier Becerra, Secretary for Health and Human Services, says, “We want to save lives in the black community… get menthol out of cigarettes if you want to help people become professionals and make successes for this country and the leaders of America Care they need. “

Yes, because the only thing holding back black Americans is the menthol in their cigarettes.

An outside observer with no pretense of knowledge can look at this prohibition and scratch his head. If menthols are mostly bought by black people and the Biden government wants to ban these cigarettes, wouldn’t that make this law a bit racist? It is specifically aimed at the black community. The ban is wrapped in public health and safety language and is designed to help. Like offering a drowning person a lifeboat. A lifeboat full of venomous snakes.

A ban on flavored cigars essentially means the end of dull wraps. Or at least an underground market in Blunts Wraps. Many observers, including myself, do not see how it will help them to send the black community into the illegal market.

Granted, the Biden government is committed to continuing the decriminalization of cannabis.

But what does that mean exactly? What will it look like? All of this stays in the air. The same goes for Biden’s commitment to seek extinctions for people with cannabis beliefs. Somebody better tell their Vice President Kamala Harris. She has incarcerated thousands in California for nonviolent cannabis crimes. Those ex-cons could be a little ticked off once they find out the laws have changed and the person who slammed them is now the Vice President of the United States.

(Remember, the road to legalization is not in Biden’s hands. States have long resisted federal cannabis laws, and in 2018, under-media fanfare, Donald Trump legalized all cannabis compounds except delta-9 THC.)

Until then, you can trust the Biden government to say one thing and do another, whether it’s menthol cigarettes, flavored cigars, or the continued criminalization of cannabis at the federal level. It is obvious to anyone with a basic understanding of logic. Illegal markets for menthol cigarettes are operated by the “colored people” in the communities who are to be protected by the ban.

Biden is a career politician.

He is the author of the Crime Act of 1994 responsible for the mass incarceration of black Americans in America. Its vice president was a prosecutor who helped with enforcement. You can argue all day about whether they really are the lesser of two evils. But a lesser evil is still an evil. While the menthol and flavored cigar ban appears to be a tiny problem compared to bigger ones like war and debt, it shows that nothing has changed.

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