Best cannabis for pain relief

If you are struggling with chronic pain, marijuana may be one of the safest and most effective options.

Because of this, most doctors surveyed now agree that marijuana is acceptable to their patients and why medical marijuana is legal in about two-thirds of the US states. Even those states that legalized marijuana For recreational purposes, it was initially registered that registered patients were allowed to buy marijuana in pharmacies.

Different strains of cannabis have different properties as each strain (more than 1,000) contains different levels of THC and CBD, the main cannabinoids that give cannabis its psychoactive and medicinal properties. Each also has different terpenes and flavonoids, which are an additional natural source of health benefits and the source of the taste and smell in cannabis.

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Overview of THC and CBD

Cannabinoids are the active ingredients in cannabis plants. They are primarily therapeutic compounds. Two of the cannabinoids studied are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

Over 100 cannabinoids have been identified to date, and detailed research is currently being carried out on cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBG) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THCV).

The abundance of active ingredients is one of the reasons why experts believe cannabis could be used to treat various diseases.

It should be noted that many of these cannabinoids can only be active in the body if they have been previously decarboxylated. This most often happens when the plant material is heated. Hence, smoking, vaping, or baking is important. After the decarboxylation, the then active compounds play a role in the Endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system helps the body regulate sleep, mood, pain, and the immune response. It does this by creating its own cannabinoids. When the body does not produce the correct or sufficient cannabinoids to regulate these and many other functions, disease can develop. By replacing these missing cannabinoids with ones from the cannabis plant, we can help the ECS and improve our overall health.

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The difference between THC and CBD

Both THC and CBD have positive effects on cannabis. However, experts have only associated THC with a powerful psychological effect that we know as “going high”. This is one of the main differences between the two components.

Can high levels of THC or CBD relieve pain?

When looking for the best type of cannabis for pain relief, you need to consider how much THC and CBD it contains.

In general, you can find the best relief from exposure to high CBD and high THC. This is because CBD can mediate the side effects of THC while providing additional anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.

There are times when you prefer the effects of higher THC or higher CBD strains. An example would be inflammation, but you still want to have a typical day without the psychotropic effects of THC. In this case, high-CBD and low-THC strains can relieve symptoms but have little effect on mental function.

At other times, you may be in so much pain that you wish something would ease the pain while taking your mind off it. In this case, it may be beneficial to have a high strain of THC.

High strains of CBD used to treat pain and other illnesses

CBD has been found to be effective in treating pain either alone or in combination with THC. When used on its own, CBD is best for inflammatory pain such as: B. pain caused by arthritis or injury.

In an animal study of arthritis pain, topical application of CBD was found to reduce inflammation and pain. Another animal study found that CBD can relieve neuropathic pain by suppressing chronic inflammation.

CBD does not bind directly to the receptors in the endocannabinoid system, but rather plays the role of regulating endocannabinoids (cannabinoids that occur naturally in the body) and acting as a CB1 receptor antagonist.

The main mechanism by which CBD is believed to help relieve pain is by reducing inflammation, primarily by blocking inflammation mediators. It is also believed to improve glycine receptors, which help regulate pain at the spinal cord level. This can suppress inflammatory and neuropathic pain.

Indica-dominant strains typically have higher levels of CBD than THC. This means that indica strains can help treat symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, headaches, seizures, nausea, physical pain, and muscle cramps. It is widely used to treat the following diseases.


multiple sclerosis



Sleep apnea

Anxiety disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, PTSD, and panic attacks.



Crohn’s disease


High levels of THC used to treat pain and other illnesses

THC is used clinically to treat pain and has been shown to help with both central and neuropathic pain. It is also used to relieve pain in cancer, AIDS, and fibromyalgia patients who have become resistant to other pain treatments.

The mode of action of THC is a partial CB1 receptor agonist, meaning it binds to these receptors, but not completely, resulting in differences in the effects recorded when THC is present with other CB1 agonists, antagonists, or both . It has been found to affect the serotonin, dopamine, and glutamine systems – an effect that can help relieve pain. THC is also anti-inflammatory.

Sativa strains typically have higher levels of THC than CBD. This means that sativa-dominant strains help alleviate symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, stress, and physical pain. Sativa strains are used to treat the following diseases:

Mood disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder.




Alzheimer’s disease.

The best strain of cannabis for pain relief

The high THC (sativa dominant) and the high CBD (indica dominant) Varieties of cannabis have different compounds in different amounts which, as we’ve seen, can have different medicinal effects.

To complicate matters, the same product can have very different results for different people.

Anecdotes suggest that Sativa is stronger and Indica is more of a relaxant.

This observation can explain some differences unrelated to THC or CBD levels, and why indica is preferred by many for pain relief. Crossbreed strains can change their traits further, and these hybrid strains can offer a more targeted approach to treating various symptoms and diseases.


Among medical users for pain relief, doctors prefer CBD varieties of cannabis extract over THC, mainly because they have fewer psychoactive side effects. Supplements that combine CBD with THC, such as Sativex, have shown the best results in adult clinical trials. Although experts prefer CBD because it has no side effects, combining CBD with THC can be the most effective way to manage pain.

Medical marijuana carries less risk than other pain relievers like codeine. It offers similar pain relief, but offers additional benefits as well. Because the differences in response are so great that the risk of side effects is very small, it is best to discuss pain management options with a medical expert and start the study on a low dose. Choose the option that best suits your needs.

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