How Boveda achieved 12x more email marketing engagements

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Boveda and its original Terpene Shield product, which offers 2-way moisture control to protect against terpene loss, are well known in the cannabis industry. Boveda was founded in 1997 and is the inventor and patent holder of the precise 2-way humidity control. The company has been in the cannabis industry since 2007, protecting terpenes.

Today, Boveda subscribes to the Cannabiz Media License Database to support its business development and sales initiatives by connecting with cannabis and hemp license holders.

The problem

Boveda had low open rates and low engagements through their email marketing campaigns, which meant they weren’t generating qualified leads for the sales team from their email marketing investments.

The solution

Boveda’s account manager at Cannabiz Media recommended that Cannabiz Media’s email success team take a look at Boveda’s history of email marketing through the Cannabiz Media License Database to see if there were any issues with the Had a negative impact on email deliverability or opportunities to improve list segmentation, and content to increase engagement.

Once the analysis was complete, the email success team held an email analysis session on Zoom with Briana Shepper, Boveda Email and CRM Marketing Manager, to present their findings and discuss recommendations.

The Email Success Team identified three key ways to improve engagement and overall results going forward:

  1. Develop an email marketing strategy to increase engagement, track recipient behavior more effectively, and identify qualified leads for Boveda’s sales team.
  2. Segment lists into more targeted audiences based on the criteria in the Cannabiz media license database to ensure future campaigns only go to recipients who are actually interested in Boveda’s messages.
  3. Enhance subject lines and message content to add value to recipients, and ensure that subject lines and content are personalized and relevant to each segmented audience.

Implement the solution

Briana and the Boveda team started working on a new email marketing strategy after the email analysis session and implemented the recommendations of the email success team into their email campaigns.

1. Develop an email marketing strategy to identify qualified leads

During the email analytics session with Boveda, Cannabiz Media’s email success team explained the importance of sending sequences of messages based on a branding and trust building strategy that generates and nurtures leads. The purpose of this process is to make sure the sales team is focusing their time on qualified leads.

“The first time we implemented feedback from the email success team was when we set up three email campaigns in August,” explains Briana. “We have started working more closely with our Cannabiz Media Account Manager and have learned that we can use the scorecard function in the license database to select specific countries that we want to target. We were able to find cultivators in the Humboldt, California area and narrow the audience from there. “

Ultimately, the scorecard feature helps Boveda improve their targeting for email marketing and also helps their sales team. “The scorecard helps the sales team break down their goals into a more digestible area,” explains Briana. “For example, they could go by zip code and say, ‘Okay, my goal is to call these 10 people and I can move on.'”

With a new strategic approach to email marketing for leads in the Cannabiz Media License Database, Boveda was ready to send out campaigns and convert those cold leads into qualified leads for the sales team.

2. Segment lists into smaller, hyper-targeted audiences

One of the biggest problems the email success team identified for Boveda’s previous email marketing campaigns was the lack of strategic list segmentation. Ultimately, her messages went to many recipients who were not her target audience. The email success team made recommendations for creating smaller, more targeted audience lists using the filter criteria available in the Cannabiz media license database.

Briana explains, “The Cannabiz Media License Database is an easy resource to have all of these filters and find the people we want to target. That’s why we worked with Boveda’s Sales Account Executive to identify the right target groups for our campaigns.

“Our goal for this quarter was to identify a market, test some things, and then we want to apply what remains to other areas of the country. In the future, we will email different geographic areas and keep learning. For example, we get a great comparison between mature markets and startup markets and how they respond to our messages. “

3. Improve the subject line and content relevance for each audience segment

Another issue that Cannabiz Media Boveda’s email success team helped with was the relevance of the email subject lines and message content by coming up with a variety of recommendations for improvement. To increase engagement, the right people need to get the right messages so that personalization and relevance go hand in hand with list segmentation.

“In our subject line for our post-email analytics messages, we used a more ‘if you work with us you will grow more confident’ approach. I think the subject line had the emotional word ‘confident’ and it really perked people up. “

“We looked at the copy in our message and tried to remove as much of the sales aspect as possible while still telling people what we can do and offer them. We’re thinking of ways to get them to interact with us instead of just offering them to set up an account.

“We also made sure the contact’s first name was generated correctly in every email message, and we moved the image of our product to the bottom of the message to let people know the relationship between the Boveda name and its appearance our product.

The results

With a new strategy, more targeted list segmentation, and improved subject lines and message content, recipients’ engagement with Boveda’s email campaigns grew nearly seven times higher than before implementing the recommendations of Cannabiz Media’s email success team.

“Our subject line really resonates with people,” says Briana. For the three messages sent as part of Boveda’s new strategy, 70.57% of recipients showed positive engagement. Open rates rose from 11.11% to 74.17% before implementing the solutions provided by the Email Success team.

As Briana and her team continue to refine their email marketing strategy, target the right audiences, and further personalize message subject lines and content, their engagement scores should continue to rise.

To learn more about how the Cannabiz media license database and email success team can help you attract more skilled sales leads like Boveda, schedule a demo today.

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