Business owners who smoke weed get clean

When it comes to running a successful business, being productive is a key skill. While cannabis has the potential to keep you focused, most of the time it is used as a “switch off and let go” means. Is Cannabis Use In The Workplace Good Or Bad?

This was the concern of one business owner when she asked, “Can you be successful and a stoner?”

Here is your question;

30F – business owner and always a high achiever. I started smoking weed when the pandemic broke out. I was training for a marathon and alcohol got me too slow. I started replacing marijuana instead. It’s been a year now and I still smoke weed almost every day after work.

On the one hand I love it! It helps me relax and “switch off work”, sleep well and feel great the next day.

On the other hand, I feel guilty for using it, I’m nervous about the long-term effects on health and cognitive performance, and as a business leader, I feel like I should stick to a higher standard (no pun intended ).

I never know if I’m too hard on myself or not hard enough.

Essentially, your question boils down to two things;

  1. Does cannabis harm my performance over time?

  2. As a manager, should I stick to a higher standard?

  3. Is the benefit worth the cost?

Before I post the answers of other business leaders, here is my brief opinion on these questions;

  1. Cannabis can be harmful if you allow it to become your “EVERYTHING”! Fortunately, most people who smoke cannabis (even on a daily basis) have a very good relationship with it. In the case of the businesswoman, she only smokes after work to relax – this suggests that she has no qualms about smoking all day. She would easily be able to “stop smoking” for a few weeks or even months. In fact, she only smokes because of the fear of the pandemic – and now with less stress … it seems that smoking cannabis is beneficial for her.

  2. This is a subjective position. Perhaps your higher standard is not high enough for someone else. The only person you have to compare yourself to is yourself – even as a manager. Do you think Elon Musk is asking if he should be of a higher standard or is he too busy making up crazy shit and focusing on his performance? You can be a leader – but that doesn’t mean you are not human!

  3. When you experience less stress, it means that you are thinking more clearly. If you can sleep well at night, it means your body has the ability to flush toxins from the brain and increase your overall performance. Cannabis is known to induce homeostasis in the body and the long-term negative effects are small and limited only to heavy cannabis users who smoke massive bong rips every morning. Even then, it’s hard to experience long-lasting effects. Usually, when most people stop using weed, they recover quickly from any ill effects.

These points are simply my opinion on the subject.

Below are some other people’s personal anecdotes.

said Apolicywonk;

Successful business owner, recovered drug addict, light pot smoker here for the weekend.

Anything you do on a daily basis is worth investigating IMO. I think you are smart when you ask “Why am I doing this?” It’s important to honestly examine opportunity cost – is the quick fix preventing you from taking a hit from learning how to relax and otherwise reconnect with yourself? The answer might be no, and that’s fine, but maybe there is something to it. Yoga, meditation, art … there is a universe of beautiful ways to meet yourself in the present moment as you are.

Just as importantly, you could really consider why you “feel guilty about using it”. Most of the business owners I know are high achievers who are brutal to themselves (myself included). You are human, you are enough today as you are, and you don’t have to shame yourself to a “higher standard” by never stopping and slowing down. Period. We all need rest and relaxation to do our best – no matter what someone says, rest is part of work. Regardless of whether your cannabis habit is helping or hurting you, emotional guilt will certainly not help you. Love yourself and let go of this shit. 🙂

I hope it helps. Nothing but the best vibes for your trip from here.

Similar to my position – you are always competing with yourself. When you run a business, you are also more stressed than the average Jane or Joe. Cannabis could well be a healthy means of relieving this pressure.

MakeorMark had this to say:

I am also a business owner. I’ve found that smoking has slowed me down compared to previous years of business. I’m not crushing it like I was. I am starting to see the consequences of smoking every day. They are small, and there is usually a lack of motivation, drive and interactions with employees.

Outsourcing your sessions for weekends or sober months has helped me deal with this. I don’t want to stop, I enjoy it for the same reasons that you do.

As with anything, enjoy it in moderation.

I’m a high achiever too and I work a lot – and similar to makeormark, I’ve found that sometimes NOT smoking is a great way to get shit done. I also discovered that microdosing LSD works wonders for motivation. However, an important lesson here is that you need to “read your situation”. If weed is getting in your way, take a break – smoke on weekends when you are busy and make sure you stay productive.

AutomaticYak also dropped some maternal wisdom;

I’ll be 40 in two weeks.

I’ve been smoking consistently since I was 14, minus the nine months I was pregnant.

I have a college degree and a successful, professional job where I am consistently a top performer. I’ve been married to someone who doesn’t smoke for 14 years. My house is pretty clean most of the time and my son is well adjusted and doing well in school. I have two dogs, one fully trained and one in training (we have had them for six weeks). I visit aerial silks and trampoline tricks once a week. My kid and I have a $ 10 bet on who will be able to master a few trampoline tricks first.

All of this means that as a person who smokes daily for decades, you can be active and successful.

Am I having bouts of laziness? Sure, I have at least one PC game with over 2000 hours of playtime. But so did my husband and he smoked twice in his life.

At the end of the day, you need to be aware of your own actions. If you feel cannabis is hindering you, take a break – if you feel it is helping you, keep smoking. Just pay attention to your habits and you can’t go wrong. If there is one thing we can learn from AutomaticYak is that PC gaming can be a real time waster!

What are some of your productivity hacks with cannabis? What advice can you give? Let us know in the comments!






How is cannabis treated in the workplace? DEPENDS ON…

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