Transform trichome crystals from clear to amber with an organic spray
Cannabis.net sat down with MagicFlower founder Joe Hoeflich to talk about how he came up with the idea of an organic spray to turn your trichomes from clear to amber with an organic shot.
What is MagicFlower?
Magic Flower is a garden spray that acts as a pesticide but also ripens the trichomes and pistils of cannabis plants. When sprayed on, the trichome crystals change from clear to cloudy or amber in one shot. Clear crystals have THC-A, which is not psychoactive. When they turn cloudy and amber, the THC-A converts to THC and becomes psychoactive. So now: “Buds are ready when you tell them!”
How did you come up with the idea for the product?
Lucky coincidence! I was wiped out by powdery mildew and thought I was going to lose my cannabis grower business because of it. I continued to buy natural remedies from Amazon, but none of them worked. I noticed that they are all based on hot natural plants like garlic, sesame oil or lavender etc. So I went to the closet to make a mix of hot spices to see if it would work. I picked 13 spices and only used a tiny amount of each in the formula. The idea was that this way it would have minimal impact and I could slowly increase the amount so as not to burn the plants. Well, as luck would have it, the original 13 spices mixed with oil, vinegar, and potassium bicarbonate were just the right mix to not only cure powdery mildew and spider mites, but I also noticed that it “crafted” the plants. The hair turned orange and the crystals turned cloudy and amber. It took me a month of testing to believe my own eyes and by the end of these tests I realized that I had discovered something special that many farmers would benefit from. The magic is in the spices.
How is it different from other pest control products on the market?
On the one hand, it consists of all edible ingredients from controlled organic cultivation and of course no other garden spray on the market allows trichomes and pistils to mature on contact. The ability to set the trichome crystals to the precise stage of maturity that the grower prefers is a world first and a useful new invention. The cannabis farmer can now not only achieve the exact trichome maturity that he enjoys at the push of a button, but he can also save days or weeks of time and money in production.
How did you first get into the cannabis industry?
Well, I guess it all started in 9th grade when I was selling the first two joints to the boy on the street. It was easy, fun and easy going and made everyone smile. I knew right away that I wanted to make a career in cannabis. When I went to college, I became a cannabis activist, helping for over 3 decades of work making cannabis legal in California, British Columbia, Montana, and Maine. That’s how I met my business partner Tom Daubert. He was the main lobbyist legalizing medical marijuana in Montana and trained me as a citizen lobbyist in the Senate. We have teamed up to bring this invention to the people. The cannabis industry has a new toy!
What’s one mistake you made in product development that you could offer as advice to people just getting into the marijuana industry?
That should be a cost estimate. When the patent attorney tells you it will be 10,000, they mean “all at once”! It was ten times that, and the other regulatory costs were twice or three times as much. We are grateful that we can bring this product to market as a blessing for everyone.
Does MagicFlower work the same with all strains, indica, sativa and hybrids?
Yes! In fact, it has an effect on all plants that have “trichomes”, which is 1/3 of all plants on earth. For example, tomatoes have trichomes. This is what gives the vines the tomato scent. When I tested Magic Flower Bud Finisher on late season green tomatoes, they ripened after a few sprays. Flowers and other trichome-rich plants really seem to like it. It’s like chicken soup for plants!
How much supply of Magic Flower do you need for one growth cycle? One per plant?
One pack of Magic Flower Bud Finisher produces one gallon of spray. In general, it covers an area of 10×10 plants. Depending on the density of foliage, the number of plants, and how far the gardener wants the trichomes to mature, a second gallon can be useful.
How can people contact you or ask questions? Email, social media?
Magic Flower LLC
Magic flower | Facebook
Magic Flower (@magicflowerbudfinisher) • Instagram photos and videos
What are your favorite varieties?
My current favorite is wedding cake, a nice indica for your ribs! A mainstay that I’ve kept for years is Pineapple Express # 2. The breeders of this and the original say # 2 is much better and I agree. Very high bud to leaf ratio, it practically trims itself. Space Queen is great when you need a bit of time just to pop by. I also develop my own varieties. Current favorites are my Temple Hash, Spirit Fire and Strawberry Pillow.
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