55% of Texans want legal weed, so what’s the problem?

Over 50% of Texans want to legalize weed

The fight to decriminalize marijuana in some Texas cities has reached a new level. According to a recent poll, a majority of voters in Texas support legalizing marijuana. About four out of five people believe cannabis should be legal for recreational or medicinal use. According to the University of Texas/Texas Policy Project poll, a significant majority (72 percent) support decriminalizing cannabis by punishing the offense with a fine and a subpoena rather than jail time.

The poll makes it clear that Texas people are hungry for reform as lawmakers prepare for the 2023 session. The poll shows that 55% of respondents believe that the use of cannabis for any purpose and in small amounts should be legalized. Only 17 percent of those surveyed believed marijuana should not be legalized, while another 28 percent believed it should only be used for medicinal purposes.

Democrats were the most pro-reform group, with 72% in favor of full legalization. Another 19% argued that it should only be allowed for medical purposes. Independents came in second, supporting legalization for all purposes at 57% and legalizing medical cannabis at just 31%. Republicans were the least enthusiastic, although they actually agreed that cannabis should be legalized for all purposes (41%) and medical use only (36%).

In separate questions in the survey, Texans were also asked whether they “support or oppose a mitigation of the penalty under state law for use or possession of small amounts of cannabis to a reprimand and a fee,” effectively tantamount to a decriminalization model. The plan received majority support (72 percent). This includes respondents from almost every demographic group surveyed, including Democrats (84%), Republicans (63%), and Independents (66%).

Texas lawmakers have the opportunity to pass such an amendment in the next legislative session. It is unclear whether Conservative lawmakers would again ignore public opinion. Several reform proposals have already been submitted to the legislature for 2023. These include legislation legalizing adult-use marijuana, expanding the state’s restricted medical cannabis program, and changing hemp restrictions. However, the likelihood of such plans becoming law is still uncertain.

The Cannabis Decriminalization Bill was approved by the House of Representatives in 2019, but the Senate failed to advance it during this session. Since then, lawmakers have been unable to support broader cannabis legislation in recent sessions. Gov. Greg Abbott (R) said he doesn’t think people should be jailed for possessing small amounts of marijuana. The governor falsely claimed that the policy had already been enacted statewide.

With an error margin of +/- 2.89 percentage points, this most recent University of Texas poll polled 1,200 self-identified registered voters between December 2nd and 11th. It complements several previous polls that highlighted how ready Texans are for cannabis law reform.

A poll conducted last year shows that a sizeable majority of Texans, including a majority of Republicans, support even broader changes to legalize cannabis for adult use. Another poll found that over 90% of respondents believe cannabis should be legalized for some uses, while 60% of people in the state support making marijuana legal “for all uses.”

Additionally, a study conducted in June showed that Texas residents are more in favor of legalizing marijuana than President Joe Biden or the top elected officials in the state. In September, House Speaker Dade Phelan (R) said he would seek to pass criminal justice reform during the 2023 term. He again advocated reducing penalties for marijuana possession.

Wiscoinson’s governor is pushing for marijuana legalization again

The likelihood of Wisconsin legalizing recreational marijuana isn’t necessarily remote. That’s because Gov. Tony Evers plans to include the matter in the budget he will submit to lawmakers early next year, WPR says.

In an interview Tuesday, Evers stated, “It’s going to be in the budget.” “There’s no doubt about that.” Users must be 21 years old to purchase cannabis under Evers’ new legalization initiative. The initiative is expected to raise $166 million, which Evers plans to use to fund schools.”

However, he suggested that Republican politicians might be more inclined to legalize medical marijuana. According to Evers, who defeated Republican candidate Tim Michels in this year’s midterm election, “there is a growing number of people in the legislature who may be inclined to lean towards medical marijuana.” If the legislature can unite behind medical marijuana, he would sign this bill.

Leading Republican Senator Devin LeMahieu, however, disagrees. “I don’t think we still have the support for medical marijuana in our group,” LeMahieu told 27 News. But it’s definitely something they will consider as a group in the future.

While medical cannabis is a tough sell for the Wisconsin state agency, the general public is excited about it. According to a 2019 Marquette University Law School study, 83 percent of voters supported legalizing medical marijuana.

A recent poll by Marquette found that 61 percent of Wisconsin respondents supported legalizing recreational marijuana, including most Democrats and Republicans.

Despite widespread public support, Evers admitted his initiative to legalize recreational cannabis could fail in the legislature.

Evers said he’s not sure Republicans are ready, even though polls show that Wisconsin has a preference for recreational marijuana in large numbers. All he knows from what I’ve heard is that the Republican side is talking about medical marijuana.

Mississippi regulators announce changes to medical cannabis regulations

According to the National Law Review, the Mississippi Department of Health and Human Services is looking to change the state’s medical cannabis legislation. Changes are proposed for processors, growers, test facilities, disposal companies, transport companies, job advertisements, permits, promotions and registration/ID cards.

Among the most prominent is a clause stating that a qualifying patient “must attend a follow-up visit to the same physician that the patient first visited not less than six months from the date the physician issued certification as a physician “. Another rule states that “while cannabis businesses may have an established online and social media presence, they may not promote photos or images of cannabis or cannabis products on these sites.”



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