Your COVID-19 antibody response may be low when you feel this

The COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective, reducing the spread of the disease and virtually eliminating the risk of becoming dangerously ill. Still, factors such as age and comorbidities are important to measure the effectiveness of the vaccine. One study found an additional factor that could have a significant impact on your antibody response to the vaccine.

According to a team of researchers from Ohio State University, your overall level of stress can affect your immune response. The presence of stress can interfere when your immune system reacts to a pathogen such as the coronavirus.

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Photo from the National Cancer Institute via Unsplash

“These results suggest that with the COVID-19 vaccine, if you are more stressed and anxious, it may take a little longer to produce antibodies. So you should allow more time before assuming you are protected, ”said Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, OSU clinical health psychologist.

Not only can stress slow your immune system’s response to the pathogen, but it can also make the vaccine less effective.

Stress and anxiety affect many areas of your health. It’s a condition related to your immune system, which means it can affect your entire vaccination process, from how effective your body is to how long it lasts. Stress can also increase the side effects at the time of the injection.

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The OSU study showed that people who were stressed or depressed when they got their injection were more likely than others to experience malaise, lethargy, and irritability. The longer the duration of the stress or depression, the worse the side effects.

While it is normal to be stressed out during these strange times we live, trying to get the most out of your vaccine is important. Before you get your shot, try some way to address your stress and anxiety, whether you’re talking to someone or taking care of your mental health.

Even if you don’t fully resolve the problem at the time of vaccination, you have still addressed some behaviors that can make your vaccine more effective and the experience more manageable.

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