You received weed as a Christmas present – you should know that
Weed makes a fun gift, and getting weed is even more fun. When receiving marijuana as a gift, especially in a public setting or group, you may be wondering what the etiquette (and the legality) is. This is uncharted territory, after all, for most gifting Americans.
Whether you’ve been giving away or receiving weed this holiday season, there are a few things you should know to ensure that you are doing it legally without spoiling or getting arrested at any holiday gatherings.
With the ongoing legalization of recreational cannabis, the market for Marijuana gifts and goods exploded. There are Christmas gift sets, unique packaging, and even Christmas-flavored edibles.
Photo by megaflopp / Getty Images
A survey conducted by Jushi Holdings earlier this month found that cannabis users age 21 and older in states consumed by adults are predominantly planning to use cannabis as part of their Christmas celebrations this season. according to Forbes.
That means, if you are a cannabis lover in a state where marijuana is legal, you will likely find some form of THC under the tree this year. The first thing you should understand when opening this gift is what a “gift” is.
Define a “gift”
If you receive weed as a gift, it must be received without advance payment or compensation. “Giving away a pot and receiving payment later, or a mutual ‘gift’ of pot and valuables: illegal.” wrote the Boston Globe about his state’s marijuana laws.
That said, if you receive a weed gift, you shouldn’t give your friend a card with $ 100 in it. While it can be a real Christmas gift exchange, you should always be aware of how things can be to an outsider. As a rule, you shouldn’t mix grass gifts and cash gifts if possible.
Read the room and state laws
When someone gives you weed, it is understandable that your initial joy can give way to apprehension. Marijuana and its legality are a complicated and often stressful topic. Not only do laws change often, but the laws themselves can sometimes be opaque. This is especially true when it comes to giving away marijuana.
Photo by Sarah Pender / Getty Images
In some places, like Washington DC, “gift giving” is one of the only legal ways to trade marijuana from one person (or business) to another. Other states, like Florida, have legalized medical marijuana but still have very heavy penalties for possessing marijuana outside of the medical field.
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Before lighting your recently received gift, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the laws. It can also be beneficial to read the room and see who is around you. While marijuana is legal, it is always illegal for minors to use it. If you are hanging out with minors on a public holiday, it is best to save your gift for the after party or for the privacy of your home.
Do not feel obliged to participate in the moment
Often times, when receiving a gift there is unspoken pressure to show your appreciation by using the gift right away. When it comes to weed, don’t make yourself feel obligated. If the person who gave you weed wanted you to smoke with them, they should have brought enough for both of you.
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“A pack of pre-rolls or a potent weed is well thought out, but don’t assume that you will smoke it right away. If you want to join your buddy, bring a little more with you. “ wrote MedMen regarding weed giving away.
When you get weed for free, you don’t have to feel any pressure; All you have to do is say thank you. Let the gift exchange only encourage the Christmas cheer and steer your sled away from legal gray areas so you can enjoy the rest of your Christmas season without a trip to the courthouse.
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