Would you like to be an FBI agent? Make sure your cannabis use doesn’t exceed this number

The FBI recently revised its stance on cannabis use by job applicants. The historically strict and anti-drug agency specifically stated that applicants would be disqualified if they had used cannabis more than 24 times after the age of 18.

These new guidelines will appear in the Job Postings section of the FBI’s website. Candidates who “have used marijuana or one of its various forms (e.g. cannabis, hashish (hash), hash oil or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), synthetic or natural) in any location (domestic or foreign), regardless of legality In this area of ​​operation, more than twenty-four (24) times after the age of 18, is an exclusion from the FBI employment. “

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Photo by South_agency / Getty Images

The FBI has been involved in a back and forth over cannabis for a while. In July, the agency announced that potential agents would be disqualified if they had used cannabis in the past year. Earlier, the agency said employees could not join the FBI if they had used cannabis in the past three years.

Apart from the arbitrariness, the FBI is now making it clear that the use of cannabis under the age of 18 is not an exclusion criterion for employees. This suggests that their stance on cannabis has loosened and evolved over the years, reflecting the real world, which government agencies are very slow to admit and do.

“The FBI is firmly committed to a drug-free society and a drug-free workplace,” it says on the agency’s website. “Candidates for employment with the FBI who, at the time of the application process, are currently using illegal drugs, misusing or abusing legal drugs or other substances for illegal purposes will be found unsuitable for employment.”

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Although progress is slowly being made, this reluctance to treat cannabis is a clear disparity from today’s view of the drug, especially for young people who will be a significant part of the FBI in the near future. As long as cannabis remains a government illegal drug, such cognitive dissonance situations will continue to occur. The government becomes obsolete and out of touch with the people it serves.

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