with THC | show
THC is one of the most well-known cannabis compounds, but many people don’t understand how it affects the body. Although the substance does not have long-term effects, the high you can get from this isolated cannabinoid may surprise new users!
If you’re looking to try THC, either for its health benefits or to experience the high you get, this article will stop you from making some common mistakes and improve your experience:
1. Not knowing the difference between THC and CBD
If you smoke medical or recreational marijuana, you will experience the combined effects of CBD and THC. However, when each compound in cannabis is isolated and used individually, the result is different.
CBD is a cannabinoid that has therapeutic and calming effects. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the substance in marijuana that makes you feel “high” or intoxicated.
When the two compounds (CBD & THC) are taken together, the CBD can reduce feelings of paranoia and intoxication caused by ingesting too much THC.
So if you’re buying marijuana products that contain THC, you need to be prepared for the high. When you take THC alone, the high can feel more intense since you don’t have the calming effects of CBD to counteract it.
2. Too much THC at once
When consuming some THC products (e.g. edibles), it may take a while for the effects to be felt.
Unlike vaping or smoking, consuming THC products can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours for your body to metabolize the THC and feel its full effects.
This discrepancy between consumption and effects leads to many new users consuming more THC than they need.
They may think the THC had no effect and end up taking more to compensate, where they just had to wait longer to experience the high.
To avoid consuming too much at once, you can start with a low THC dose of 5-10 mg and then wait a few hours before taking more.
3. Mix THC with alcohol
It may take a while for your body to process THC and feel the effects, so you may be tempted to drink while you wait for the high to kick in.
However, mixing alcohol with cannabis products can complicate the situation and increase the level of intoxication. This can cause nausea and dizziness (also known as spinning or spinning). That’s not to say you should never indulge in THC edibles and alcohol, but you should wait until you’re comfortable with both.
When you mix the two, keep this saying in mind
“Weed before beerand you are in the clear. beer before Grass, and you’ll be on your ass!”
4. Take THC on an empty stomach
You’ve probably been told not to drink alcohol on an empty stomach – the same goes for using THC products.
So an empty stomach will improve your experience.
Since the purpose of using THC is to experience euphoric effects in a slow, cumulative experience, you don’t want to be hit too hard and too quickly with the results. THC is best taken after a substantial meal.
5. Keep THC out of the reach of children and pets
Many THC foods look like familiar candies, like jelly beans and lollipops. For this reason, you must keep THC products locked in cupboards and boxes out of the reach of children and pets.
Cannabis ingested as food can have more intense and long-lasting side effects on children under the age of 12.
Because of their size and weight, young children are at high risk for complications associated with THC ingestion. Due to the severity of their symptoms, most young children who ate cannabis edibles had to be hospitalized and admitted.
6. Consume unlabeled THC products
You should never ingest THC products that aren’t properly labeled, especially if they’re from someone you don’t know.
When buying products from legal sources like pharmacies, the labels indicate quality control. They should state the strength and quantity of the items and include information about any ingredients that may cause an allergic reaction. Always check the label before eating.
7. Not knowing how to deal with over-consumption
THC can have intense physical and psychological effects, so it’s important to know how to manage the experience if you accidentally consume too much of it.
First of all, remember that you will be fine in a few hours. Find a place where you feel safe and where you can lie down – if you can sleep in, you’ll feel rested and maybe wake up a little groggy.
If the effects are too strong, it’s best to have some CBD oil on hand.
As mentioned earlier, CBD can counteract the intoxicating effects of THC and balance out the high. A dose of CBD oil under the tongue can make you feel more relaxed in minutes (you may have to repeat the process until the THC high goes away). If you don’t have CBD on hand, try eating citrus fruits (including the pulp). Citrus fruits have been shown to counteract the effects of marijuana, particularly THC.
8. Use of THC alone
If you’ve never used THC before, don’t try it alone. The intoxicating effects can be confusing and sometimes frightening for first-time users, so it’s important to try it on someone you trust, preferably someone who has used THC before.
It can be helpful to try THC with experienced users, as they can guide you through the actions you want and help you when you get high or when you’re going “green.” They can also prevent you from making bad decisions, such as drinking too much or driving under the influence.
9. There are no snacks on hand
THC foods can be delicious, but you don’t want to keep eating them just because you’re hungry and they taste good. Because as most people know, THC will give you cravings and you may be tempted to eat whatever is available.
Have some snacks ready – the healthier the better. Anything that requires preparation, such as sliced fruit or vegetables, should be prepared ahead of time.
Some foods can be used to enhance or moderate your high.
Make sure you have plenty of water or soft drinks on hand – THC can cause severe dry mouth!
When done properly, ingesting THC can be a fun and enjoyable experience.
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