Willie’s Remedy CBD Coffee & Tea Review
I sometimes wonder if people will ever stop asking me, “Does CBD actually work?” I probably don’t suspect that, as with all cannabis compounds, the effectiveness of CBD depends on a) a person’s genetic makeup and predisposition, and b) whether or not the product they tried actually contains the advertised amount of CBD. In an industry full of cheap CBD copycats and constant attempts to snag money, encountering a CBD product that works and really does feel like a personal victory.
For me, taking Willie’s Remedy CBD Coffee and Tea for a spin felt like one of those personal moments of victory. The canna beverage market is still in its infancy. It seems like only in the last year some select beverage brands have become synonymous with potency and reliability.
CBD can be difficult because when you take it you want to feel a certain effect without necessarily feeling stoned or even drowsy. My previous experience with cannabis-infused coffee and tea has been somewhat limited, but if I’ve ever been frustrated with either, the difference has not been noticeable enough for my taste. So let’s dive into these hot drinks and see how they deliver.
Willie Nelson’s CBD sister brand Willie’s Reserve Cannabis, Willie’s Remedy specializes in full-spectrum hemp-infused coffee, tea, tincture, and topical balms. For this review, I’m going to be looking at Willie’s Remedy Medium Roast Coarse Ground Coffee, Mint Tea Pyramid Pouch, and Chamomile Tea Pyramid Pouch.
First impressions
Willie’s Remedy coffee comes in vibrant brown paper bags with a label that mimics the old-fashioned “general store” coffee vibe, with a clear indication of CBD levels in milligrams (250 milligrams to be precise) and signature Willie phrase “C.to your B.lessings D.aily. “Willie’s tea bags come in round tins containing 16 sachets of 200 milligrams of CBD per pack – making an approximate total of 12.5 milligrams per sachet – which are also clearly visible on the front label.
Celebrity-backed CBD companies are a dozen at this point, and depending on which one you’ve tried, your patience may already vary. Perhaps I’m just letting my personal tastes a little too much on my first impression here, but I find the presentation of Willie’s Remedy not only aesthetically pleasing, it also denotes a quality and authenticity that I would expect from something that the redhead bears name of the stranger.
And I’m not a coffee expert, but the quality and strength of the smell when I opened my coffee bag far exceeded the aroma of the typical things I buy at Trader Joe’s.
Coarsely ground coffee with a medium roast
According to Willie’s Remedy, the coffee is “carefully selected and roasted, then infused with organically grown full-spectrum hemp oil from independent US farmers.” As reported by The Spoon, hemp oil is applied directly to the beans immediately after roasting, which should achieve proper distribution of the hemp in the beans and result in a richer taste and effect in the end product.
Even when coarsely ground, my medium Roast Willie’s Coffee had a vibrant, multi-dimensional taste that I noticed immediately. As I mentioned earlier, I’m not a coffee expert, but for anyone whose relationship with coffee is primarily useful but not enough to shy away from higher quality, I can’t imagine a cup of Willie’s Remedy being a disappointment. I was hoping I would taste the hemp extract so I would be sure it was there, but ultimately the effects did a good job of letting me know without affecting the taste of the coffee.
I am happy to announce that this cup ‘o joe absolutely keeps the promised “harmony of concentration through the caffeine and calmness through the hemp”. At first I thought it might just be a placebo effect, but then I checked with a buddy who happened to have a mug with me too. We both found that we were adequately energized and moderately calm without practically feeling any of the typical coffee tremors.
With my first cup of Willie’s CBD coffee, I held back a little longer than I usually do when I wake up, mostly to make sure I wasn’t just reflexively drinking and missing a fuller sense of how it made me feel. I don’t eat much breakfast most mornings, and when I do, it’s usually so as not to feel sick with coffee on an empty stomach. Against my better judgment, I skipped breakfast on my first cup of Willie’s Remedy, but found that my stomach still felt good after a second cup.
I also felt my creative juices flow pretty instantly and at a sharper level than usual. I had energy, of course, but also focus and creative drive, and I could feel a noticeable difference in the way my thoughts flowed together. I don’t know what to call an experience like this if it’s not holistic.
Peppermint and chamomile teas
Willie’s Remedy CBD tea is comparable in effect to Willie’s coffee and contrasts in taste and overall experience. If there is a place for tea in your morning or day routine, both peppermint and chamomile teas provide an enriching sensory experience that can add a lively dimension to your day.
Willie’s mint tea is calming and invigorating in every possible way. For some people, especially in America, tea will always be difficult to sell, but this peppermint tea contains a rich, sweet taste that is reasonably earthy without tasting just earthy. There is an instant jolt that is great for a morning or afternoon pick-me-up.
The chamomile tea is silky smooth and delights all those who like to make themselves comfortable and sink in peace with a hot cup of chamomile with honey.
I’ll spare you the details of the night before I tried Willie’s mint tea, but I say with full confidence that it’s great for helping out with a hangover, especially if you’re not a coffee person. And as I mentioned earlier, its holistic, uplifting quality makes it hugely effective at creating a welcome mood for the day and potentially increasing productivity without getting you into an uncomfortable, caffeinated high.
The same goes for Willie’s chamomile tea, just with the less immediate invigorating that comes with the peppermint. While still invigorating in terms of focus and creativity, the chamomile put me on a balanced register that helped me stay calm and collected throughout the day.
As a connoisseur who has tried many CBD products – some good, some bad, and many just fine – I was overwhelmed by the overwhelming feeling of cool, collected calm with a moderate burst of energy that these two teas provided. Assuming the CBD is evenly distributed, there was about 12.5 milligrams of CBD per tea bag – not a large amount, but not necessarily a light 5 milligram supply either. They give my morning a tone, mood, and taste that couldn’t have been better for completing daily chores and enjoying the vibes of those around me.
Bottom line
For lifelong stoners, the impetus to turn any cannabis product into a hypercapitalist productivity booster in the age of legalization and mainstream acceptance can be a minor downer. In the case of Willie’s Remedy Coffee and Tea, however, there is a legitimate opportunity to curb anxiety, stress, and caffeine jitter while infusing the experience with just enough rest to effectively help find peace in times when shit is done “is a necessity.
If you’re a coffee lover but need something to make up for your nervousness, Willie’s Remedy is more than worth trying. If you’re looking for holistic ways to incorporate CBD (which actually works) into your everyday life, Willie’s Remedy Tea is an excellent place to start.
Featured image from Willie’s Remedy / Weedmaps
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