Will cannabis spark a revolution in nonlinear thinking and our mass consciousness?
With cannabis becoming more available every day and global legality in sight, I wonder what mass impact cannabis will have on our global consciousness?
That thought occurred to me while watching a JRE clip titled “What Michael Pollan Learned From Quitting Caffeine for 3 Months”.
If you haven’t seen the interview, it’s very interesting. In essence, Pollan begins by explaining how coffee has significantly changed the basic consciousness of the masses.
Before coffee was introduced as a drink, people drank much more alcohol because it was safer than water at the time.
They had no real means of purifying their water and often got sick from drinking unpurified springs. Because of this, alcohol was found to be safer even with mild fermentation.
Can you imagine a whole world population drinking alcohol from morning to night? This was the “western civilization” until around 1700.
When caffeine was introduced to the masses, something changed – a lightbulb went on!
How coffee helped enlightenment
Immediately after the mass acceptance of coffee, according to Pollard, the public zeitgeist changed noticeably. People finally had the opportunity to switch from drinking alcohol to a non-alcoholic drink that would give them clarity and energy.
With this new substance flowing through their mind and body, they suddenly had a sense of “clarity” that they did not have before. They didn’t get as “tired” or “numb” as they did with alcohol.
They could work longer, keep more cognitive brain functioning – they could think more clearly.
And so, the popularity of coffee has propelled this new frequency around the globe – and forever changed the way we do things.
Of course, many other factors played a role that helped guide humanity to the next chapter in their mental and spiritual development – but one cannot deny the influence of coffee on this process.
How cannabis affected culture before legalization
We can’t officially say that cannabis is legalized because there are still places where it’s completely illegal. We can say that it’s “legalizing” – but until it’s as legal as beer, it’s still technically “illegal”.
However, despite the plant’s illegality, the profound effects it had on culture cannot be denied. Songs have been written about cannabis and films have been made with it as the central theme.
It became the unofficial activity of the counterculture. It was the means of rebellion without having to throw Molotov cocktails at the police.
Cannabis as a drug became synonymous with freedom, it was the face of prohibition – but also the face of reform.
It is the most widely consumed illegal substance in the world and it is growing in popularity. Cannabis is a significant part of our human heritage and could be one of the first crops we ever grew.
But for the most part – during the height of Prohibition – most people gave up cannabis. Several generations lived under this paradigm.
The effects of cannabis after legalization
Currently, it appears that cannabis does not have a drastic impact on people once it is legalized. While this is true on the superficial level – nobody goes crazy and murders people with an ax – there are subtle changes that are occurring.
For one thing, your brain becomes more plastic when you smoke cannabis. That means you have more agility to think non-linearly.
For example, if you have always done something in a certain way until you even think about it, you might – under the influence of cannabis – stop and think, “Why don’t I try differently?” ”
This is a moment of neuroplasticity when you can push the neurological boundaries of your typical behavior.
When you consume cannabis, these cases of neuroplasticity and atypical responses to typical situations create new neurodynamics that then begin to weave new neural networks.
If this is all very confusing to you, it basically means that when you smoke weed, you react differently to shit – and those reactions amplify different reactions.
Over time, these small changes lead to large changes in behavior and ways of doing / perceiving the world.
What are the most common effects of cannabis on regular users?
While it is entirely possible for humans to develop a pathological addiction to cannabis, the vast majority of users have a healthy relationship with the plant.
There was a post on Reddit where some people talked about how cannabis has helped them. You can find the full thread here.
This was the comment from the original poster:
Smoking marijuana made me a much nicer and much better person. It opened my mind and gave birth to so many great ideas of mine and the solutions to various problems for things that happened in my life. It gave me the initiative to look for real estate opportunities as – Redditor
“A much nicer person” and “better person” are often things people quote after using cannabis. Because cannabis helps relieve anxiety and stress, it also allows your central nervous system to switch from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system.
Or from the operating mode “Fight / Flight” to “Rest & Digest”.
Also, if you are sufficiently aware of your behavior, cannabis has a way of revealing parts of yourself that were once hidden from you. To give you the opportunity for personal development.
Of course – some people smoke weed to get away from themselves, which is quite possible in the right amounts.
Another Redditor commented:
I can agree with that. Marijuana made me a lot more relaxed. I stopped taking everything so seriously, learned to crack jokes (and crack a few), and learned not to care when it comes to me.
This feeling was repeated by others;
Grass changed my life too. Another state of mind causes a person to change the way they think. Sometimes I would smoke and sit and think about my past and what kind of person I am. I realized that I take life a little too seriously and that I have to take it really slowly. I realized that life is tough, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth living for.
The common denominator
There are several overlapping effects of cannabis that tend to spread to humans;
More relaxed
Quieter ones
more tolerant
Able to see things from other people’s perspectives
Don’t give me so much
The list goes on.
Of course, this doesn’t apply to all – but the vast majority of longtime cannabis users share this opinion.
It’s not just the grass, though
However, it is important to realize that it never will the substance that does the work, but the willingness of yourself to make the necessary changes, to let go of the chains of the past and to evolve into a more holistic being.
This can best be summed up in the wise words of Sooshimon, another Redditor;
Nope, dog. You were all Maybe weed helped you realize that you can do these things, but it wasn’t the gateway to becoming a better person. Blame yourself for this and be grateful to grazing for its potentiating effects, but never tell yourself that a drug will make you successful or unsuccessful. It’s a slippery slope.
How did weed change you?
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