Why your marijuana tolerance break isn’t working

Tolerance breaks, often referred to as T-breaks, are a great way to reset your body and bring back that long-forgotten feeling you had when you first started using cannabis. If you use marijuana regularly, its effects can change and weaken over time. If you need more and more weed to feel the same effects, you could be one of many cannabis users who could benefit from a T-break.

The adage “absence makes the heart beat faster” can certainly be applied to a tolerance break that allows you to regroup and enjoy marijuana just like you did when you first started using it. But what if your T-Break doesn’t bring that old feeling back and you still need the same amount of product to feel its effects?

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If you’re taking a THC break and it doesn’t seem to affect your tolerance, you may need to rethink the way you are taking your T break.

One of the most important components of a quality tolerance break is time. Marijuana can leave your blood in less than a day, but it takes much longer to reset the receptors in the body that respond to THC. “The research says that the brain receptors called cannabinoid-1 receptors go back to normal after 2 days without marijuana and return to normal function within 4 weeks,” wrote Medical news today.

If your break hasn’t decreased your tolerance or the feeling you once had when you first enjoyed it hasn’t been restored, try taking a longer break. Corresponding WebMD, Cannabis breaks should be at least 21 days. Try to go three weeks without THC to effectively reset your tolerance, especially if your previous T breaks have been short.

RELATED: 7 Easy Ways To Lower Your Marijuana Tolerance

Taking a three-week break is often easier said than done. Corresponding US news, 49% of American adults have tried marijuana. Although some of these users fall into the experimental or casual smokers category, many marijuana users participate regularly. For some, marijuana is a prescribed medication. For others, it’s complementary or non-prescription drugs.

Marijuana expires

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Quitting cold turkey can be difficult or even psychologically dangerous. One way to ensure a smooth and healthy transition from THC is to find a suitable replacement for the void left. CBD is a logical alternative, but you should be sure to buy the right type and strength.

RELATED: Expert Tips on Taking a Marijuana Tolerance Break This Spring

CBD doesn’t have hallucinogenic properties, but if you ingest it the same way as THC, you can potentially trick your body, or at least your mind. If you smoke marijuana, you may want to try a smokable CBD product. Have all the products you think you need ready before you start your T-break to make sure you don’t slip when you have a craving.

The time you allow for your T-break is important, but the way you spend that time without THC can also affect the effectiveness of your breather. Have you just passed your last T break sitting around bored and snacking? This is not the best way to reset your system. Try treating this time away from marijuana as a detox or cleanse for your body and mind. Engaging in an activity, especially a physically active hobby, can improve the results of your THC break.

RELATED: 3 Problems Developing High Tolerance for THC

Corresponding Health line, “Exercise and fresh air can help you feel awake and reduce your mood swings.” Enrolling in an exercise class or creating an exercise plan are both effective ways to develop this habit while taking your time off of THC. As with all aspects of these breaks, preparation and organization are great ways to stay on track and take responsibility.

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