Why marijuana is effective for opioid recovery
The havoc the opioid crisis has wreaked on communities across the country, especially during the pandemic, is immense. Deaths from opioid overdoses reached the threshold of 93,000 in 2020, and relief is nowhere in sight.
That is why authorities and doctors benefit more than ever from pulling out all the stops to get the situation under control.
Part of the effort to leave no stone unturned in the fight against opioid addiction is to study the effects of marijuana on people currently struggling with opioid addiction. Fortunately, the recent moves by the Biden administration have made research into marijuana easier than ever, as current research into the effects of marijuana on recovery from opioid addiction is limited.
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Here are a few things research has already shown about marijuana and opioid addictions.
Marijuana helps relieve symptoms of withdrawal
The path of opioid recovery is intimidating for many people currently suffering from opioid addiction because withdrawal can be so daunting. The long process of overcoming an opioid addiction can consist of a variety of undesirable side effects, including anxiety, nausea, chronic pain, insomnia, and chronic pain. Fortunately for people who are undergoing opioid withdrawal, Marijuana has shown evidence to be an adequate resource in helping patients overcome withdrawal symptoms.
While research on the relationship between marijuana and opioid withdrawal syndrome is still in its infancy, the results are currently encouraging.
Marijuana could reduce or eliminate opioid cravings
Thirst or cravings of any kind can become a serious burden. This is especially true for addictive substances like alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. If the constant cravings are opioids instead of coffee, it is important to have a resource that will help eliminate those cravings.
This is exactly where marijuana can become a resource for people currently on opioid withdrawal. According to a recent study, researchers found that people who used cannabis daily were less likely than those who only used cannabis occasionally. Also a doctor from New Mexico studied the effects of marijuana on their patients and concluded that it actually helped 25% of their patients overcome opioids.
RELATED: Cannabis Could Help Curb Opioid Addiction, New Research
The promise of marijuana as a resource in overcoming opioid addiction is clear, but more research is key to understanding its full potential.
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Marijuana has the potential to offset the negative effects of opioids
Aside from how addicting opioids are, the fact is that over a long period of time they can be overwhelming for your health. Some of the side effects that come with expanded opioid use Problems fulfilling work or school obligations, giving up hobbies, and avoiding loved ones.
RELATED: New Study Links Psychedelic Use With 55% Drop In Daily Opioid Use
Given the impact marijuana has on patients who are in the process of overcoming their opioid addiction, such as:
The best way to determine whether or not marijuana may have a role in overcoming opioid addiction is to continue studying the relationship between the two.
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