Why every strain is a hybrid, according to an old breeder
If you’ve shopped for flowers at a pharmacy more than once, you know this question, “Do you like sativas or indicas?” And if you’re like me, it’s the question that makes you roll your eyes because:
1. Don’t talk to me like a noob.
2. Indicas and Sativas are real terms, but what they represent today is absolute bs.
Although people keep asking us if you like indicas or sativas, I’m here to tell you that we live in a hybrid world – the indicas and sativas we see on the shelves are not true indicas and sativas.
Understand what “indicas and sativas” originally meant
If you were to trace your favorite weed strains back to their original genetics, you would end up at the beginning of cannabis: landrace strains. Landrace strains are cannabis strains whose genetics have been grown, developed and stabilized in their natural environment around the world. Examples of these old-school varieties include Durban Poison from South Africa, Acapulco Gold from Mexico, and Chocolate Thai from Thailand.
It is important to understand that “indica” and “sativa” are botanical terms used to describe the physical, observable properties of a cannabis plant – not the effects it produces.
As botanists noticed over time that these strains exhibited different physical characteristics, they began to classify them into different taxonomies: indica, sativa, and ruderalis. Cannabis sativa was classified by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus in 1753 when he was studying European plants; Cannabis indica was coined by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in 1785 while studying varieties from India; and Cannabis ruderalis was coined by the Russian botanist DE Janischewsky in 1924 while studying plants from Russia.
Sativas grow tall and lanky with thin leaves; Indicas grow broad and bushy with dense flowers; and ruderalis grow small with large, thick leaves and contain more CBD than sativas and indicas. At the time of its inception, there weren’t enough scientific studies to solidify these classifications as truly distinct types of cannabis.
In the 1960s and 1970s, these alien genetics began their way over and into California’s outdoor soils. It was then that we began to see the world of hazes and varieties emerge. As cannabis cultivation matured, all of these different strains were crossed for their desirable genetic traits – such as large yields, high THC percentages, and resilience during cultivation – to make strains with specific traits into super strains. Because of this, almost two centuries after the introduction of the indica and sativa classifications, there are no more true sativas and indicas left in grow rooms and on pharmacy shelves.
A breeder reviews cannabis plants as they go through the drying and curing process. (Source: Damien Robertson / Weedmaps)
A hybrid with a different name
Today, the term “Sativa” is used to describe strains that produce the sublime mental high desired for creativity, focus, and euphoria, while “Indicas” are referred to as the “downer body high” strains you use want to relax, slow down or fall asleep.
So what is a hybrid?
In a pharmacy, the label “Hybrid” is used to denote a strain with effects that are in the middle of “Indica” and “Sativa” – when you want something relaxing but that doesn’t make you sleepy or fuzzy; or something slightly stimulating that won’t give you an overwhelming head high. But what a hybrid is actually supposed to mean is a strain bred from two or more other strains to inherit the most favorable traits.
Although these labels continue to exist on cannabis packaging, in strain databases, and as categories that break down sales displays into perceived effects, the truth of the matter is that every single thing we smoke today is a hybrid.
I recently met with Kenji Fujishima, partner and lead cultivator of Dr. Greenthumbs, Green Thumb Farmz, and Insane OG are on the phone to discuss how real indicas and sativas have gone from the game.
When I asked Fujishima about the modern definition of sativas and indicas, he said, “These days and times, right now, I don’t think you can really define this shit. Except for very few folks who kept landrace genetics, shit that’s 20-30+ years old. ”
Take a popular strain like Runtz, for example: it’s a cross of Zkittlez and Gelato # 33, which are crosses of Grape Ape x Grapefruit and Sunset Sherbert x Thin Mint GSC, respectively, which are all crosses of … I think you got the point here – they are all hybrids of other hybrids.
To find true sativa or indica genetics, one would have to trace these strains back to Afghani and Durban genetics in the lineage. And when it comes to finding these oldie strains there is nothing to do with them commercially as the industry emphasizes the THC content. Strains with more than 30% THC, which are considered “first class” or “exotic” in many cannabis circles, were bred from hybrids in order to achieve steeply rising high levels of THC. The effects people want from sativas and indicas are the reason true sativas and indicas were bred in the first place.
It’s a difficult situation. The indica / sativa dichotomy is so widespread in cannabis marketing that consumers are incorporating it into their purchase decisions. Brands that have tried not to use these terms have faced confused customers who prefer the simplified Indica / Sativa classification, Kieran Delamont reported for Weedmaps in 2019.
Damien Robertson / WeedmapsA breeder who cultivates cannabis plants for his brands.
Still, it comes in handy for cannabis marketers when consumers have a penchant for the technically imprecise indica / sativa / hybrid labeling. When I asked why companies are still using sativa, indica and hybrid labeling, Fujishima said, “Marketing teams think this is cool because it gives you the option to have three different packages: indicas, sativas, hybrids.”
It can be irritating for growers to use outdated botanical terms to describe the impact the flower products they grow might feel on customers. However, since many cannabis users are looking for a specific desired effect, brands go to great lengths to make the indica and sativa label work. One tactic that Kenji noticed is marketing indicas with higher THC levels to associate potency with potent, sedative effects. “Usually products labeled indicas are always on the higher THC side,” said Fujishima. “Indicas are marketed as pain reliever and soothing strains.”
So will the consumer base catch up with what the industry has known for years? Fujishima believes it is up to brands and retailers to change conventional news.
“I think the brands will all be responsible for marketing and posting the information people should know or they’ll end up with the indica / sativa thing, the THC thing.”
As far as I can tell from conversations with growers, brands, and consumers, brands and retailers won’t be in a rush as long as the average person walks into a pharmacy and wants a single product for the desired effect to correct them. Not everyone wants to stand out about cannabinoids, terpenes, and how their synergy affects our cannabis experiences. But you should.
Featured image by Gina Coleman / Weedmaps
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