Why do the majority of women hide their cannabis use from friends and family?

According to a recent study by The Harris Poll, commissioned by cannabis retailer MedMen Enterprises, many American women ages 21 and older use cannabis regularly. The study, conducted between February 28 and March 2, 2023, involved 1,020 women across the country. According to the results, 37% of respondents reported using marijuana, more than a quarter of them at least once a month.

An interesting result of the survey was that women mainly use cannabis for medical reasons, e.g. B. to relieve anxiety, improve sleep and treat pain. This fits with the growing trend of using cannabis as an over-the-counter remedy for various ailments.

In the survey, 65% of participants said people were unaware they were using cannabis. These results, obtained ahead of official publication, show that despite the drug’s increasing acceptance and legality, stigma and preconceived notions about cannabis use persist in many places. Many women are afraid to speak openly about their cannabis use, even with those closest to them, for fear of being judged or suffering harmful effects.

This secrecy may also have implications for the cannabis sector. This may indicate that current marketing and outreach initiatives are not effectively reaching or serving a significant portion of consumers. Additionally, it emphasizes the need for continued education and activism to break down prejudice and promote appreciation for the potential benefits and safe use of cannabis.

According to the report, the majority of women who use cannabis choose to obtain it legally from a pharmacy. Almost 90% of female cannabis users (91%) reported getting their weed from a legal dispensary. The study also found that 32% of women who use cannabis make monthly pharmacy purchases of at least $100. A surprising finding from the survey was that 35% of customers prefer to shop with a female budtender, showing a desire for a more personalized experience when purchasing cannabis products.

The survey revealed that among female cannabis users, edibles are the most popular way of ingesting (57%), followed by flowers/pre-rolls (43%) and vapes (39%). Additionally, 20% of female cannabis users said their top concern was being drug tested, although a significant proportion (27%) said they had no concerns about their cannabis use. This demonstrates the continuing difficulties faced by cannabis users, particularly those working in areas where drug testing is strictly enforced.

Comments by Karen Torres

In an email, Karen Torres, MedMen’s Chief Product Officer, stated that representation in the cannabis space is critical. As a queer woman of color working in this space, Torres emphasizes the value of diversity and inclusion at the corporate level. She claims that MedMen is careful to prioritize these ideals across the board.

By putting diversity and inclusion first, she believes MedMen can better represent and serve its customers and communities. This strategy promotes a friendlier and more inclusive environment for employees and customers. It enables MedMen to offer a broader selection of goods and services that meet the unique needs and preferences of a diverse consumer base.

Torres further emphasized that MedMen understands the growing trend of women turning to cannabis for their wellness needs. While there are still stigmas associated with cannabis use, the survey results show that many women consider cannabis a common form of self-care, particularly when they are looking for natural ways to deal with stress, worry and pain.

According to Torres, the survey results show that more and more women are using marijuana to relax and improve their well-being. She explained that MedMen is committed to providing a safe, welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for all customers, including those using cannabis for therapeutic purposes. MedMen helps develop a more positive and empowering environment for women in the cannabis industry by recognizing the health and well-being benefits of cannabis use, actively working to combat stigma, and advocating for inclusion.

Torres believes the survey results are critical to helping MedMen adapt to the evolving cannabis market and user base. She emphasized that MedMen is committed to understanding and meeting the needs of its female customers by creating an inclusive and empowering retail environment.

According to Torres, as part of this commitment, MedMen intends to increase the number of high-end brands women own. MedMen strives to enhance its status as a pioneer in the cannabis market by empowering women entrepreneurs and offering a greater variety of quality merchandise that meets a variety of consumer preferences.

survey method

The survey, commissioned by MedMen and conducted February 28-March 2, 2023 by The Harris Poll, provides valuable insight into the cannabis use habits of American women ages 21 and older. The survey was conducted online in the United States and 1,020 women took part, of whom 391 reported cannabis use.

To ensure the accuracy of the results, Harris used a credible Bayesian interval, a statistical measure that accounts for sample size and variability. Based on this method, the sample data is accurate to +3.6 percentage points, with a 95% confidence level.

The use of rigorous statistical methods to analyze the survey data suggests the results are reliable and represent the broader population of American women who use cannabis. As such, the survey results can inform industry trends, consumer preferences, and product development strategies for cannabis companies like MedMen.


The survey, conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of MedMen, sheds light on the growing popularity of cannabis use among American women, particularly for therapeutic reasons. The report also highlights the pervasive stigma associated with cannabis use and the importance of creating a friendly and inclusive retail environment for customers.

According to the survey results and Karen Torres, the cannabis sector is adapting to meet the changing needs and preferences of its customers. Cannabis companies like MedMen are well positioned to thrive in this rapidly changing industry by prioritizing diversity, inclusivity, and customer satisfaction.

Overall, the study underscores the importance of understanding and meeting the needs of a broad consumer base and fostering an open and accepting attitude towards cannabis use. The cannabis sector can develop and expand its appeal as a viable alternative for health and wellness solutions with more research and initiatives to reduce stigma.



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