Why cannabis is now the drug of choice for intelligent people
The use of marijuana, as well as numerous other psychedelic substances, is more widespread today than ever before.
From executives to programmers in Silicon Valley, it’s safe to assume that almost everyone gets high on something at some point. But it’s becoming increasingly clear that marijuana is the drug of choice for people with higher IQs. This is in contrast to the reefer world stereotypes that Prohibitionists push; They try to suggest that marijuana users are lazy, couch potatoes with no ambition in life.
The data tells us – the opposite is the case.
In fact, a 2011 study conducted by researchers at the British Medical Journal analyzed the IQs of around 8,000 men and women. They were each tested four times, from the age of 5 to their 30th year. Their results showed that people who had higher IQs as children were more likely to be cannabis users by the time they hit 30.
What was surprising was that the higher their IQ, the more likely they would be to use cannabis in old age. High IQ women were twice as likely to be marijuana users as low IQ women, while high IQ men were 50% more likely to be cannabis users by age 30.
But it doesn’t really take studies to understand why smarter people use marijuana. There are no clear reasons for this, although it makes sense to hypothesize the reasons why:
creativity: Marijuana has been shown to boost creativity and general creative thinking. Whether you’re an artist or working in a startup, creative thinking will benefit your intelligence in more ways than one. Just a few of the famous creatives known to smoke are Bill Gates, Bob Dylan, Carl Sagan, Bill Maher and Abraham Lincoln to name a few.
Plus, everyone can benefit from marijuana’s ability to help you think outside the box, especially when it comes to problem solving.
Studies show that marijuana use has an impact on the way you think because it boosts cerebral blood flow to the frontal regions of the brain responsible for creativity (or lack thereof). The chemicals in marijuana have been shown to promote divergent thinking, which encourages creative and free thought, as opposed to convergent thinking, which is associated with problem solving.
Calm the intelligent mind: Smarter people and those with higher IQs fight with a lot more thoughts and at a much faster pace compared to people of average intelligence. That’s because smart people already know they’re usually surrounded by people who may not care about the hard facts or the right way of thinking, making it tiring to keep debating and arguing with people. This can explain why many smart people are also calmer than others and prefer to be alone with their thoughts.
When thoughts get too much, smart people turn to cannabis to dial it down a notch or two. THC or CBD compounds can do wonderful things for mental relaxation and help turn off the thoughts that normally force you to think about everything and everything in the world at once.
Socialize intellectually, intelligently and responsibly: Smart people know alcohol isn’t the best social lube — cannabis is. While alcohol can make you act stupid and give you horrible hangovers, marijuana doesn’t. It’s the ideal social lubricant when you need to meet up with work colleagues, fellow programmers, artists, and creatives, or when you need to brainstorm with your co-workers. With the social acceptance of marijuana these days, it’s becoming increasingly common for people to bring weed or even go to meetings stoned and pass around a joint while discussing politics, business, life — anything.
Improved cognitive processes: Marijuana has numerous benefits for the brain and thinking, and many studies prove it. While other recreational drugs and alcohol kill and impair the growth of new brain cells, marijuana does the opposite. The formation of these new cells is of great help in improving memory performance and also helps prevent mood disorders. When a person suffers from anxiety, it can also prevent them from thinking properly as it impairs executive function, but marijuana can also help alleviate this.
In addition, a study also shows that there is an association between cannabis use and better cognitive performance when it comes to attention, executive functioning, working memory, psychomotor speed and verbal learning. In other words, we can say that marijuana helps smart people become even smarter.
While people of all intelligence levels can use and benefit from marijuana, it is clear that all users know that cannabis can be good for them. We know that marijuana is key to a healthy, balanced lifestyle, especially when we face so much pressure and stress at work, we know it can help us become better people in and out of the office, and we also know that it is much healthier for us than other drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
Smart people also know so much more about the forms of “escape” available out there, and they know more than their peers about the best, safest, and healthiest ways to go about life. It’s undoubtedly marijuana.
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