Who Qualifies for COVID-19 Boosters?

There have been many setbacks with the COVID-19 booster; You have to read the news every day to keep track of things. The mishandling of matters by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has only made things worse, confusing everyone as to whether or not they should be able to get the injection.

Do you qualify? Here’s what we know

Photo from CDC via Unsplash

To qualify for a booster vaccination, you must have received the Pfizer vaccine as this vaccine is approved. The CDC recommends that people aged 65 and over and those between the ages of 50 and 64 with previous illnesses should receive the Pfizer Booster. People between the ages of 18 and 64 can get the booster if they have an underlying medical condition or work in a place that exposes them to the virus more than the general population.

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The CDC has provided a list of health conditions that qualify people to receive their Pfizer booster. It’s important to remember that people with compromised immune systems, whether they’re having cancer treatment or a condition that affects their immune system, are eligible for the booster.

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The hardest area to find your way around would be jobs as the CDC isn’t that clear. The current list of high-risk occupations includes “health workers, teachers and day-care centers, food workers, people who work in prisons and shelters for the homeless”. It’s unclear what inter alia means, but a lot of people could fit under that definition, which makes the booster relatively easy to come by.

Now that they have been approved, boosters should be available soon. While there were queues and waiting times before, experts predict that getting this vaccine will be relatively easy as pharmacies, hospitals, and more already have these items in stock.

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